24-25 February 2025 – Michèle Shah as Italy Regional Ambassador met with producers attending the Slow Wine fair at Fiera to introduce them to the Old Vine Conference

17 February 2025 – Michèle Shah as Italy Regional Ambassador met with producers of Chianti Classico at the Chianti Classico Collection at the Leopolda station in Florence to introduce them to the Old Vine Conference

27-28 January 2025 – Michèle Shah External Consultant to Grandi Langhe Event in Torino with over 500 wine producers from all over Piemonte showcasing their wines over 2 days.  Michèle Shah SRL selected and accompanied 60 international importers to attend the event.

19 January 2025 – Michèle Shah as Italy Regional Ambassador met with producers attending the Proposta Vini Catalogue at the Leopolda station in Florence to introduce them to the Old Vine Conference

22-27 October 2024 – Tuscany – Chianti Classico – Brunello di Montalcino and Bolgheri Superiore – Michèle Shah organised a family trip for a group of 7 winelovers (plus two children) from Singaporevisiting vineyards and wineries and top restaurants in Tuscany and the coastal area of Bolgheri which included iconic wineries such as Tenuta San Guido (Sassicaia), Le Macchiole and Ornellaia.  Marchesi Antinori, Fontodi, Castello di Monsanto in Chianti Classico.

12-19 October 2024 – Veneto – Valpolicella, Soave, Prosecco Superiore Docg & Bassano del Grappa–Winelover’s trip – organised for a group of 11 Hong Kong winelovers together with journalist Ronny Lau – included a week of winery and cultural visits. Top wineries icluded: Quintarelli, Tommasi, Speri, Tedeschi, Villa Sandi, Nardini Grappa  and many others.  The trip was based on wine & food with two Michelin star restaurants and a visit to Venice and the lagoon.

 8-9 October 2024 – Old Vine Conference All of Italy – Michèle Shah in her role as Italy Regional Ambassador for the Old Vine Conference organised an event showcasing the wines of 22 Italian OVC members with two masterclasses led by Gabirele Gorelli MW. Invitees included International and National press.  The event was hosted at member producer Tenuta Sette Ponti in Tuscany.

 25-28 September 2024 – Consultant to Consorzio Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg Michèle Shah assisted Sarah Abbott MW of Swirl Group – UK PR Agency leading an incoming trade and press trip to Conegliano Valdobbiadene with 11 participants form the UK

26 May – 1 June 2024Michèle Shah planned and led a US group of professionals and wine-lovers in Spain visiting the production areas of Getaria, Navarra and Rioja. They visited Bodega Txakoli Ameztoi – Bodega Txomin Etxaniz – Botegas Artadi/Artazu – Lopez De Herdia – Bodega Muga – Alta Rioja and Maques de Riscal. The theme of the trip was haute cuisine and cult wines of Spain.

13-16 May 2024Old Vine Conference Etna Field Trip – Michèle Shah in her role as Italy Regional Ambassador for the Old Vine Conference led an incoming delegation of authoritative professionals in the wine sector to visit the 5 Etnean companies, members of the OVC: Alta Mora, Animaetnea, Benanti, I Custori and I Vigneri. Vertical tastings and vineyard visits focused on the centenary vineyards.

15 & 16 April 2024 –  Vinitaly 2024 Consultant to Sicilian estate Tenute Navarra – Michèle Shah organized and conducted 28 international business meetings with media and trade over 2 days plus a dinner for international guests.

3-6 April 2024 – Consultant to Consorzio Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg Michèle Shah assisted Sarah Abbott MW of Swirl Group – UK PR Agency leading a Drinks Retailing trade trip to Conegliano Valdobbiadene with 7 retail importers form the UK

24-29 February 2024 – Consultant to Consorzio Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg, Michèle Shah assisted with executing 2 UK focused trade shows – SITT – trade showcasing with specialist importers and independent buyers The first in Manchester followed by a second event in London

22 February 2024 – Speedtasting® Asia with importers from Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea and Japan and Italian producers from different Regions. Briefing, Speedtasting® session followed by individual follow up meetings.

28-31 January 2024 – Michèle Shah External Consultant to Grandi Langhe Event in Torino with over 300 wine producers showcasing their wines over 2 days to over 80 international importers selected by Michele Shah SRL

18-25 November, 2023 – Piemonte/Liguria – Hong Kong Winelover’s trip – organised for a group of Hong Kong winelovers and trade specialists – a week of winery visits, truffle hunting, and cultural visits.  The trip was based on wine & food including white truffles. Plus two days in Liguria visiting Cinque Terre and its wines.

6-11 November, 2023 – Sicily Wine & Cultural trip for Destin Charity – Florida – guided a small group of US wine enthusiasts to easter Sicily to visit wineries and explore the Baroque part of Eastern Sicily – Destin Charity is based in Florida and is a Children’s Charity

23-26 October, 2023 – Marche Press tour – LINFA – Azienda speciale della camera di Commercio delle Marche settore agroalimentare In collaboration with F.I.V.I. – Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti – selected 10 international press – the trip included winery visits and masterclasses and walk around tastings with groups of producers.

October 10, 2023 – Event in London – walk around tasting with the UK market for Consorzio Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg with 15 producers and two masterclasses. Organized in conjunction with Swirl Group led by Sarah Abbott MW.

October 2-5, 2023 – Incoming press from Europe for the Tasty Sardinia Consortium – a new project designed for one-gsastrtonomy tourism in Sardinia from the Cagliari side presented wineries, food product companies and agritourisms.

September 25-28, 2023 – Incoming instagram communicators, press and AWE – associasiotn of wine educators from UK for Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg Consortium. Responsible for conducting the program tours, tastings and visits to wineries.

August 28 – September 2, 2023 – Incoming press, instagram, sommeliers, importers and influencers from Australia for the Consortium Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg. Responsible for conducting program tours, tastings and visits to wineries.

20 June 2023 Olive Oil Speedtasting on-line with 5 US importers and producers form all Italy – follow up meetings on 22-23 June.

13- June 2023 Nordic Speedtasting on-line with 10 importers from nordic countries and producers form all Italy – follow up meetings on 15-16 June.

13-20 May 2023 – organising and leading a Langhe Piemonte wine trip with 15 participants including sommeliers  and other professionals  – visiting top Piemonte producers, for tastings, winemakers dinners and touring the area of the Langhe.

4 May 2023 – Lecture on the UK market – for Sant’Anna University of Pisa for the Masters course “Italian Wines and World Markets”.

19-21 April 2023 – attending as ambassador to Italy for Old Vine Conference a Field Trip to Feudi di San Gregorio in Campania and Basilisco in Basilicata – focus heritage AGLIANICO vines .

16-19 April 2023 – organising and guiding an incoming for UK communicators and educators visiting Consorzio Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg.

3-5 April 2023 – Vinitaly – Consultancy for Tenuta Navarra, Sicilian winery setting up and presiding over their trade and press meetings during Vinitaly

10 March 2023 – Singapore Abruzzo wine masterclass and dinner for trade led by Anette Scarfe MW in Singapore – organised by Michele Shah SRL for Consorzio I Vini d’Abruzzo

28 February 2023 – Italian olive oil Speedtasting® with oil producers from all over Italy and importers from Nordic countries, Scandinavia and the Baltics. Follow up meetings to follow 2 and 3 March.

22 February 2023 – organisation and supervision of a Walk Around Tasting for producers of the Consortium i Vini d’Abruzzo and the trade and press sector in Copenhagen at Kosmopole – 2 masterclass led by Thomas IlKajer. Over 100 industry attendees.

20 February 2023 – organisation and supervision of a Walk Around Tasting for producers of Consorzio i Vini d’Abruzzo and the trade and press sector in Rotterdam Hilton Hotel – masterclass conducted by Fred Nijhuis. Over 100 attendees from the industry.

February 7, 2023 – Speedtating® Shanghai with 10 Producers form the Consortium i Vini d’Abruzzo and 15 importers from Shanghai – Michele Shah SRL responsible for the event which was carried out in collaboration with Taste Italy in Shanghai.  B2B event with importers with a presentation on the wines followed by a wine dinner and follow-up meetings between importers and producers.

January 30-31,  2023 – Grandi Langhe event in Torino – Piemonte – Michele Shah SRL acted as consultant to the Consorzio of Tutela Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe and Dogliani, The Consorzio of Roero for the Grandi Langhe Event responsible for selecting 70 top international wine buyers to attend the wine event with 250 langhe wine producers.

November 15, 2022 – Virtual Speedtasting® with 10 producers through Winemeridian.com and 10 importers ASIA Virtual B2B Speedtasting on zoom with presentations – tastings and individual follow-up meetings and Nov. 17 and 18

October. 26 – Nov. 6, 2022 – Eastern Sicily tour for group of Wine Lovers from Singapore. Michèle Shah responsible for the entire planning and conducting of the tour.

October. 25-26, 2022 – Guest on international press tour with Vinitaly Academy VIA – tour of Etna Sicily

October. 23-24, 2022 – Taormina Gourmet – responsible for organizing a masterclass dedicated to old vineyards under the umbrella Old vine conference Italians – Regional Italy – conducted in conjunction with Sarah Abbott MW for industry experts

October 17-20, 2022 – Incoming trade press and ‘educators’ from UK for Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg consortium. Responsible for conducting program tours, tastings and visits to wineries.

October. 11, 2022 – virtual speedtasting with 10 producers via Winemeridian.com and 10 US importers B2B virtual speedtasting on zoom with presentations – tastings and individual follow-up meetings and Oct. 13 and 14

October. 4-7, 2022 – visit to the Consortium i Vini d’Abruzzo and producers in the region to discuss the 2023 work plan

September 27, 2022 – Virtual Speedtasting with 10 producers via Winemeridian.com and 10 importers BALTIC markets- Virtual B2B speedtasting on zoom with presentations – tastings and individual follow-up meetings and September 29 and 30

September. 18 -21, 2022 – Incoming instagram influencers from UK for Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg Consortium. Responsible for conducting program tours, tastings and visits to wineries.

September 11-17, 2022 – Michèle Shah participates in an international press trip invited by Wines of Georgia to discover Georgian wine.

August 25-31, 2022 – judge for oil international Michelangelo Awards competition held in Stellenbosch, South Africa – focused on South African wines

July 5-8, 2022 – Virtual Speedtasting with between 10 producers Consorzio Vini d’Abruzzo and 10 importers from the Chinese market in Canton through ITA China office – B2B virtual speedtasting on zoom with presentations – tastings and individual follow-up meetings September 8

June 20-25, 2022 – Incoming press, instagram, sommeliers, importers and influencers from Australia for Consorzio Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg. Responsible for conducting program tours, tastings and visits to wineries.

June 5-8, 2022 – Incoming press, instagram, sommelier and influencers from Norway for the Consortium Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg. Responsible for conducting the program tours, tastings and visits to wineries.

June 3, 2022 – Event – walk around tasting – in Bulgaria for the Consortium i Vini del Piemonte and importers, sommeliers and Horeca in Sofia – Bulgaria

May 31, 2022 – Virtual Speedtasting with 10 producers through Winemeridian.com and 10 Canadian importers – B2B virtual speedtasting on zoom with presentations – tastings and individual follow-up meetings and June 3 and 6

May 23-27, 2022 – speaker at Green Wine Future 2022 – key event on sustainability in the wine world – speaker for Old Vines session – with presentations from South Africa, Italy, France, South America

May 24, 2022 – Virtual Speedtasting of the Consortium Vini d’Abruzzo between 10 Abruzzo producers and 10 US importers – B2B virtual speedtasting on zoom with presentations – tastings and individual follow-up meetings May 26 and 27

May 3, 2022 – Virtual Speedtasting of the Consortium Vini d’Abruzzo between 10 producers from Abruzzo and 10 importers CANADA – Virtual B2B speedtasting on zoom with presentations – tastings and individual follow-up meetings May 5 and 6

29 April 2022 – Lecture on the UK market – for Sant’Anna University of Pisa for the Masters course “Italian Wines and World Markets”.

7/10 April 2022 – Sicily Tour for Handpicked Wines Sweden AB – designed and carried out a tour from Palermo through the centre of Sicily to Etna for Swedish importers visiting, wineries, restaurants and top locations.

3/4 April 2022 – Grandi Langhe Event Piemonte – Michele Shah SRL acted as consultant to the Consorzio of Tutela Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe and Dogliani, The Consorzio of Roero for the Grandi Langhe Event responsible for selecting 45 top international  wine buyers to attend the wine event with 250 langhe wine producers.

1 -3 & 4 March 2022 – Global Bio – All Italy Virtual Zoom Speedtasting with 11 organic wineries from different regions of Italy and 11 wine importers from Canada, USA and Europe – business to business meetings between wineries and buyers via zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow-up meetings

22 & 25/26 February 2022 – Consorzio Vini d’Abruzzo virtual Speedtasting between 10 Abruzzo producers and 10 Japanese importers – Virtual Speedtasting B2B  over zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow-up meetings.

8-10&11 February 2022 – Speedtasting with All Italy producers and Scandinavian and UK importers – Virtual Speedtasting B2B  over zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow-up meetings.

24-25-26 January 2022 – Virtual tastings with US – Texan importers and Italian wineries – organised together with B-Connected

6-7 December 2021 Virtual MW student together with the Institute of Masters of Wine-  Study Tour with Consorzio Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg – Michele Shah SRL responsible for inviting 10 international MW students to participate in a two morning virtual study tour through the appellation of Conegliano Valdobbiadene meeting with producers, and a selection of sessions on soils, base wines, viticulture and winemaking the Rive and a Round Table on Prosecco superiore docg Conegliano Valdobbiadene in the UK trade.  The trip was put together with a series of focused short videos on the above themes, plus live question and answer time with the specialists and producers involved, as well as simultaneous tastings.

9, 12 & 15 November 2021 USA Virtual Zoom Speedtasting with 9 wineries from All Italy and 10 US wine importers  – business to business meetings between wineries and buyers via zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow-up meetings

26 October & 2 & 5 November 20121 Canada Virtual Zoom Speedtasting with 12 wineries from Consorzio Vini d’Abruzzo and 12 Canadian wine importers  – business to business meetings between wineries and buyers via zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow-up meetings

11-12 October 2021 – Virtual Press Trip of Prosecco Superiore docg Conegliano Valdobbiadene with the CWW (Circle of Wine Writers) lead virtual trip together with the Consorzio Prosecco Superiore docg Conegliano Valdobbiadene of the territory over two mornings with several themes form soils to Rive to tasting with the producers.

21 & 23-24 September 2021 USA Virtual Zoom USA Speedtasting with 12 wineries from Consorzio Vini d’Abruzzo and 10 US wine importers  – business to business meetings between wineries and buyers via zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow-up meetings

15 & 19-20 July 2021 All Italy Virtual Zoom Japan Speedtasting with 15 wineries from different regions of Italy and 10 Japanese wine importers –  business to business meetings between wineries and buyers via zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow-up meetings

22-23 June 2021 All Italy Virtual Zoom Europe Speedtasting with 15 wineries from different regions of Italy and 10 international wine importers from the EU countries – business to business meetings between wineries and buyers via zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow-up meetings

8-9 June 2021 AWE (Association of Wine Educators) virtual trip to the appellation of Prosecco Superiore docg Conegliano Valdobbiadene – a two morning virtual trade tour through the appellation of Conegliano Valdobbiadene meeting with producers, and a selection of sessions on soils and Rive, local gastronomy, viticulture and winemaking.  The trip was put together with a series of focused short videos on the above themes, plus live question and answer time with the specialists and producers involved, as well as simultaneous tastings.

1-3 June 2021 – Consorzio Vini d’Abruzzo virtual Speedtasting between 10 Abruzzo producers and 20 Japanese importers – two sessions over zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow-up meetings

11 -14-15 May 2021 – All Italy Virtual Zoom Canada Speedtasting with 15 wineries from different regions of Italy and 10 wine importers from Canadian states – business to business meetings between wineries and buyers via zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow-up meetings

28 April 2021 – Presenting the US wine trade market for Winemeridian and Consorzio delle Lugana 

20-21 April 2021 – All Italy Virtual Zoom USA Speedtasting with 13 wineries from different regions of Italy and 10 international wine importers from US states  – business to business meetings between wineries and buyers via zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow-up meetings

16 April 2021 – Lecture on the UK market – for Sant’Anna University of Pisa for the Masters course “Italian Wines and World Markets”.

23-24 March 2021 – All Italy Virtual Zoom Europe Speedtasting with 15 wineries from different regions of Italy and 10 international wine importers from the EU countries – business to business meetings between wineries and buyers via zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow-up meetings

23-26 February 2021 – Wine Future 2021 – Michèle Shah was moderator to the Wine Tourism session with Adrian Bridge CEO, The Fladgate Partnership and World of Wine in Porto, Portugal, Sylvie Cazes – Director General, Bordeaux Saveurs and President of La Cité du Vin in Bordeaux and Gonzalo Merino (AR) – Wine Tourism & Social Responsibility Coordinator, Bodegas de Argentina

23-24 February 2021 – All Italy Virtual Zoom Speedtasting® with 15 wineries from different regions from Italy and 11 international wine importers from Europe – two days of business to business meetings between wineries and buyers over zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow up meetings

12 February 2021 – All Italy Virtual Zoom Speedtasting with 6 wineries from different regions of Italy and 8 international wine importers from the Baltic States – business to business meetings between wineries and buyers via zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow-up meetings

9-10 February 2021 – All Italy Virtual Zoom Speedtasting® with 15 wineries from different regions of Italy and 11 international wine importers from USA – two days of business to business meetings between wineries and buyers over zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow up meetings

2-3 February 2021 – All Italy Virtual Zoom Speedtasting® with 15 wineries from different regions of Italy and 11 international wine importers from Asia – two days of business to business meetings between wineries and buyers over zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow up meetings

16-17 November 2020  Virtual MW student together with the Institute of Masters of Wine-  Study Tour with Consorzio Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg – Michele Shah SRL was responsible for inviting 15 international MW students to participate in a two morning virtual study tour through the appellation of Conegliano Valdobbiadene meeting with producers, and a selection of sessions on soils, base wines, viticulture and winemaking the Rive and a Round Table on Prosecco superiore docg Conegliano Valdobbiadene in the UK trade.  The trip was put together with a series of focused short videos on the above themes, plus live question and answer time with the specialists and producers involved, as well as simultaneous tastings.

3-4 November 2020 – All Italy Virtual Zoom Speedtasting® with 11 wineries from different regions and 11 international wine importers – two days of business to business meetings between wineries and buyers over zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow up meetings

26-28 October 2020 – Promos Italia & the Chambers of Commerce of Modena and Reggio Emilia select Michèle Shah SRL to organize an International Virtual Speedtasting® over Zoom – B2B meetings with 18 international importers & 30 wineries over 2 mornings followed by afternoon visits of importers to producers attending the workshop

20-21 October 2020- Virtual UK Trade Tour for Consorzio Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg – Michele Shah SRL was responsible for inviting 20 top influencers and opinion leaders from the UK market to participate in a two morning virtual trade tour through the appellation of Conegliano Valdobbiadene meeting with producers, and a selection of sessions on soils and Rive, local gastronomy, viticulture and winemaking.  The trip was put together with a series of focused short videos on the above themes, plus live question and answer time with the specialists and producers involved, as well as simultaneous tastings.

16 October 2020 – in collaboration with Winemeridian.com a seminar with producers on how to present their wines on zoom -what to do and what not to do.  Michèle Shah as lecturer

13 October 2020- Prosecco Speedtasting/Webinar for international importers with Coldiretti Veneto and the three Consorzios of the appellations of Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg; Asolo Prosecco Superiore docg; Prosecco DOC – an educational webinar on the different styles of Prosecco produced from the different appellations  followed by a Speedtasting® presentation and tasting with a selection of producers presenting their wines.  Simultaneous tastings with International importers.

6/7 October 2020- Virtual Press Tour for Consorzio Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg – Michele Shah SRL was responsible for inviting 15 top press and opinion leaders from the UK market to participate in a two morning virtual press tour through the appellation of Conegliano Valdobbiadene meeting with producers, and a selection of sessions on soils and Rive, local gastronomy, viticulture and winemaking.  The trip was put together with a series of focused short videos on the above themes, plus live question and answer time with the specialists and producers involved, as well as simultaneous tastings.

22 September 2020- Pinot Grigio Speedtasting/Webinar for international importers with the Consorzio DOC delle Venezie and Coldiretti Veneto – an educational webinar on the different styles of Pinot Grigio followed by a Speedtasting® presentation with a selection of producers presenting their Pinot Grigio in different styles.  Simultaneous tastings with International importers.

7 & 8 September 2020- Peimonte Virtual Zoom Speedtasting® with 17 wineries from different regions and 12 international wine importers – two days of business to business meetings between wineries and buyers over zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow up meetings

3 September 2020 – Webinar for Consorzio Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg on the following USA and UK markets – selecting top trade speakers and interviewing them as moderator

27 & 28 August 2020 – All Italy Virtual Zoom Speedtasting® with 15 wineries associated to the Donne Del Vino Association (Women in Wine) from different regions and 12 international wine importers – two days of business to business meetings between wineries and buyers over zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow up meetings

30 & 31 July 2020 – All Italy Virtual Zoom Speedtasting® with 15 wineries from different regions and 12 international wine importers – two days of business to business meetings between wineries and buyers over zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow up meetings

7 & 8 July 2020 – All Italy Virtual Zoom Speedtasting® with 15 wineries from different regions and 12 international wine importers – two days of business to business meetings between wineries and buyers over zoom with presentations – wine tastings and individual follow up meetings

23 May 2020 MAMOJÀDA VIVES 2020 tasting of barrel samples of Cannonau from the area of Mamoiada in Sardegna for the association of Mamojà – artisanal producers of Cannonau. Mamoja is a cultural association founded in 2015 by the producers and winemakers of Mamoiada who collaborate to enhance the territory through wine. To date, Mamojà has 70 winemaker members.

16 April & 28 April 2020 – series of Webinars for Consorzio Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg on the following markets:  USA, UK, Germany, Switzerland – selecting top trade speakers and interviewing them as moderator for the series of webinars

17 April 2020 – Lecture on the UK market – for Sant’Anna University of Pisa for the Masters course “Italian Wines and World Markets”.

January – ongoing December 2020 – Responsible for the UK marketing strategy project in collaboration with Sarah Abbott MW of Swirl in the Cloud for Consorzio Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore docg – third year running annual contract

27-28 January 2020 – Grandi Langhe Event Piemonte – Michele Shah SRL acted as consultant to the Consorzio of Tutela Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe and Dogliani, The Consorzio of Roero for the Grandi Langhe Event responsible for selecting 40 top international international wine buyers to attend the wine event with 250 langhe wine producers.

21-25 October 2019 – Promos Italia & the Chambers of Commerce of Modena and Reggio Emilia select Michèle Shah SRL to organize an International Speedtasting of B2B meetings with 26 international importers & 42 wineries over 3 mornings followed by afternoon visits of importers to producers attending the workshops.

16-20 October 2019-  Take a Walk on the Wild Side – Michele Shah SRL selects 10 top US journalists and leads a tour of Maremma Toscana for the Consorzio Maremma Toscana visiting wineries and the local production of the territory such as olive oil and artisanal cheesecake makers. The focus was on the Tuscan coastal area.

3-10 October 2019 –  Exceptional Tailored travel to Italy – Singapore Wine Lovers visit the iconic estates of Tuscany with Michele Shah – which included: Castello di Nipozzano; Castello Di Brolio; Badia Coltibuono; Castello di Ama; Tenuta di San Guido; Ornellaia; Antinori; Petrolo; Casato Prime Donne; Poggio di Sotto; Barbi;

22-25 September 2019 Prosecco Superiore docg Conegliano Valdobbiadene –  MW (Master of Wine) & UK Trade/Press Incoming – Michele Shah SRL in collaboration with Consorzio di Tutela Prosecco Superiore docg Conegliano Valdobbiadene, organised a trip focusing on the quality and sub-zines of the docg area of Prosecco Conegliano Valdobbiadene.

5-8 September 2019 – Michele Shah SRL selected Australian and Canadian journalists to participate in the Alto Adige Wine Summit – which included seminars on the Climate Change in Alto Adige; wine tastings at altitude and winery visits.

1-4 September 2019 Piemonte International Speedtasting with Consrozio I Vini del Piemonte classicB2B workshop with Piemonte producers and international wine buyers, involving meetings and winery visits, organised by Michele Shah SRL

21 July 2019 – Michele Shah SRL organised an All Italy Wine Tasting for Consumers in Bleikinge in the south of Sweden with 15 wineries and 15 Italian regions.

24-30 June 2019 – Michele Shah Srl was responsible for leading a group of wine enthusiasts from Hong Kong to visit Sicily.  The trip involved a mixture of wine tastings, food focus, culture and trekking up Mount Etna.  The winery visits included iconic wine producers such as Benanti; Salvo Foti; Cos; Cornelissen; Graci; Tenuta di Fessina.

25 May  2019 – Lecture on the UK market – for Sant’Anna University of Pisa for the Masters course “Italian Wines and World Markets”.

19-23 May 2019 – Marche Michele Shah SRL was responsible for leading an CWW (UK Circle of Wine Writers) international press trip for the Marche region to Marchet (Ancona Chamber of Commerce). The visits focused on exports; Organic production; Aging potential of Verdicchio; Red Conero; Rosso Piceno.

3-4 May 2019 – Michele Shah held two masterclasses at the International wine fair Vyno Dienos in Lithuania – one for Wine Traders and the other for Wine Meridian, both focusing on Premium wines form Italian regions.

24 April 2019 – PR Event Organiser in Collaboration with Sarah Abbott MW of Swirl & Company for the Barolo&Brunello Italian Kings tasting held at the Institute of Directors in London followed by an evening tasting at 67 Pall Mall for member only

8-10 April 2019 Vinitaly – Speaker on Internatinal Wine Markets for the Associazione delle Donne del Vino 

4 -6 April 2019 International Rose Championship in Krakow – Michèle Shah International judge to for International Rosé Championship and Cool Climate Wine Awards – both held in Krakow, Poland

3-4 April 2019 – Amsterdam Plama Wine Awards – Michele Shah International judge for the Italian panel for Wine Salute to Excellence Awards held in Amsterdam

5-7 March 2019 – Climate Change Leadership Oporto – Portugal – Michele Shah attended the International conference which focused on Solutions for the Wine Industry – in all aspects of technical – viticultural – consumer discussion. Among notable speakers the symposium was attended by Al Gore.

1-4 March 2019 – Abruzzo – Colline Teramane docg – International Press trip – Michele Shah selected a number of prestigious International Press to take part in a regional press tour. The trip included a walk around tasting with producers focusing on Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Colline Teramane docg followed by winery visits tasting other varieties such as Pecorino, Passerina, Trebbiano and Cerasuolo.

28-29 January 2019 – Grandi Langhe Event Piemonte – Michele Shah SRL acted as consultant to the Consorzio of Tutela Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe and Dogliani, The Consorzio of Roero for selecting 20 top international sommeliers under the age of 35 and 20 international wine buyers to attend the wine event with 250 langhe wine producers.

2-6 December 2018 – Michele Shah SRL was responsible for guiding an international Student Master of Wine (MW) study trip to the Marche region for Marchet (Chamber of Commerce of Ancona).  The visits were theme based focusing on exports; organic production; ageing potential of Verdicchio; Rosso Conero; Rosso Piceno.

17-24 November 2018  Singapore group of wine enthusiasts visit Liguria & Piemonte with  Michele Shah – Michele Shah SRL guided a group of Singapore wine enthusiasts toLiguria and Piemonte.  The trip involved a mixture of wine tastings with Ligurian and Piedmont top wineries, fine dining featuring Piedmont’s white truffles and truffle hunting and Iconic wine estates.

5-8 November 2018 Speedtasting with International buyers for Coldiretti Export Veneto – Michele Shah SRL organised and selected international buyers to meet with Veneto producers over a two day Speedtasting.

21-24 October 2018 Sagrantino Montefalco – Umbria International Press trip – Michele Shah SRL organised for Consorzio di Tutela Montefalco a Speedtasting in Montefalco with international press, media and Montefalco producers. The event involved guiding international journalists to discover Montefalco  territory, producers and wines.

15-18 October 21018 International Buyer Educational with Marchet – Chamber of Commerce of Ancona.  Winery visits and tastings organised across the Marche with specific focus on Rosso Conero and Verdicchio

10-13 October 2018 Sagrantino Montefalco – Umbria International Speedtasting- Michele Shah SRL organised for Consorzio di Tutela Montefalco a Speedtasting in Montefalco with international importers and Montefalco producers. The event involved a workshop of 20 minute meetings between 16 producers and 11 international importers, followed by winery visits of the importer’s choice.

15-18 September 2018 – Prosecco Superiore docg Conegliano Valdobbiadene –  UK Trade and Press Incoming – Michele Shah SRL in collaborations with Swirl & Marketing Sarah Abbott MW, focus to show the quality difference of the docg area of Prosecco Conegliano Valdobbiadene

2-4 September 2018 – Piemonte International Speedtasting with Consrozio I Vini del Piemonte classicB2B with Piemonte producers and international wine buyers, involving meetings and winery visits, organised by Michele Shah SRL

July 25 -2018 – All Stars Italian Wine tasting for corporate company Witra in Sweden showcasing top Italian labels/wineries from star vintages – matched to the cheeses of Argiolas (Sardegna)

June 10-15 2018 Sardegna Region, International press trip – focus Vermentino – Organized by Michele Shah SRL on behalf of LAORE and the Region of Sardinia. Planning the tour by guiding 11 international journalists to discover the Vermentino territories.

3-6 June 2018 – Prosecco Superiore Conegliano Valdobbiadene docg – Michele Shah SRL worked together with SWIRL Wine Group Ltd in promoting the production of Prosecco Superiore Conegliano Valdobbiadene docg with seminars both in London and Manchester.

23-27 May 2018 – Marche Michele Shah SRL was responsible for leading an international press trip for the Marche region to Marchet (Ancona Chamber of Commerce). The visits focused on exports; Organic production; Aging potential of Verdicchio; Red Conero; Rosso Piceno.

May 18-22, 2018 – International Wine Press in Villa Prosecco DOCG – Michele Shah SRL led an international press group for Prosecco superiore Conegliano Valdobbiadene Consorzio DOCG for the annual exhibition of the last vintage at Villa Vino. The tour saw the winery visit and visit the territory.

13-16 May 2018 – Modena / Reggio Emilia – Chamber of Commerce of Modean and Reggio Emilia – International Spoeedtasting Michèle Shah SRL has organized a Speedtasting of B2B meetings with international importers on two mornings followed by afternoon visits of importers to producers attending the workshops.

27 April 2018 Training course on the UK market – for Sant’Anna University of Pisa for the Masters course “Italian Wines and World Markets”.

3-5 April 2018 – Amsterdam Plama Wine Awards – Michele Shah judge for the Italian panel for Wine Salute to Excellence Awards held in Amsterdam

18-25 March 2018 Michele Shah conducted a wine tour for wine lovers from Singapore through Veneto, Trentino and Alto Adige, visiting iconic producers of the region.

15-16 March 2018 – Michele Shah carried out two days of training for the Consorzio I Vini del Piemonte on how to understand the different Internatinoal markets, marketing and sales skills and a focus on the UK wine market

26 February 2018 – Michele Shah did a training course with the Consorzio of Montefalco focused on international markets, how to understand the different International markets, marketing and sales skills

12-20 February 2018 – Michele Shah attended the Anteprima tastings of Chianti Classico 2015; Brunello di Montalcino 2013 and Sagrantino 2014

7 February 2018 – Hamburg, Germany – Consorzio i Vini del Piemonte Trade Event for trade and consumers organised by Emily Albers PR International in collaboration with Michele Shah SRL with 22 Piemonte producers.

30 November – 3 December 2017 –  Michele Shah SRL was responsible for guiding an international Student Master of Wine (MW) study trip to the Marche region for Marchet (Chamber of Commerce of Ancona).  The visits were theme based focusing on exports; organic production; ageing potential of Verdicchio; Rosso Conero; Rosso Piceno.

15-16 November 2017 –  Michele Shah attended the annual IWSC banquet at the Guild Hall and sponsors lunch in London as IWSC Brand Ambassador

2-5 November 2017 Consorzio Colli Euganei USA Speedtasting – Michele Shah SRL organised for   Consorzio Colli Euganei a Speedtasting with special focus on USA markets inviting importers from different states in USA to meet producers from Colli Euganei.  Before the Speedtasting Michele Shah gave producers a mini-course and briefing on how to approach international markets and in particular the USA market.

25-28 October 2017 Sagrantino Montefalco – Umbria International Press Trip- Michele Shah SRL organised for Consorzio di Tutela Montefalco an International Press trip in Montefalco with Montefalco producers. The event involved a general blind tasting of 15 wineries followed by organising visit to Montefalco wineries.

21-23 October Taormina Gourmet Festival – Michele Shah SRL presented a seminar for producers on International markets.  How to prepare for exporting to international markets and a special focus on USA and Canada markets.

11-14 October 2017 Sagrantino Montefalco – Umbria International Speedtasting- Michele Shah SRL organised for Consorzio di Tutela Montefalco a Speedtasting in Montefalco with international importers and Montefalco producers. The event involved a workshop of 20 minute meetings between 15 producers and 10 importers followed by winery visits of the importer’s choice.

30 September -6 October 2017 – Exceptional Tailored travel to Italy – Hong Kong Wine Experts visit the iconic estates of Tuscany with Michele Shah – which included: Castello Di Brolio; Badia Coltibuono; Castello di Ama; Tenuta di San Guido; Ornellaia; Antinori; Biondi Santi; Poggio di Sotto; Poggio Antico; Casanova dei Neri.

5-8 September 2017 – Ferment in Warsaw – Polonia – together with a young dynamic and creative group of restaurateurs based in Warsaw Michèle Shah organised a press trip for a group off international press to visit Warsaw’s restaurant scene and wine bar/bistrot scene.

30 August – 3 September 2017 – Circle of Wine Writers Press trip – Veneto – Colli Berici & Soave   Michele Shah organised a press trip for Uk’s prestigious Press Association CWW which included visits to the regions of Veneto to the appellations of Soave and Colli Berici.

16-19 June 2017 – Abruzzo – Colline Teramane docg – International Press trip – Michele Shah selected a number of prestigious publications, such as Decanter, Slow Food, Imbibe, Yorkshire Post, Drinks Business, The Buyer, Wijnpers, Wine Pur, Weinwirtschaft  to take part in a regional press tour focusing on Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, Pecorino and other wines from the area.

3-10 June 2017 – Exceptional Tailored travel to Italy – Michele Shah organised a special trip for Singapore, Taiwan and Chinese Wine lovers to visit Tuscany which included guiding and organising winery visits to some of Tuscany’s ‘iconic’ estates: Castello Di Brolio; Badia Coltibuono; Petrolo; Tenuta di San Guido; Ornellaia; Antinori.

29- 31 May 2017 International Rose Championship in Krakow – Michèle Shah was invited and a judge to preside over a team of judges at the first event of the International Rosé Championship held in Krakow, Poland

25-28 May 2017 – International Press Trentino – Mostra del Vino-  Michele Shah SRL guided an international group of press to Trentino for Consorzio I Vini del Trentino.  The tour involved winery visits and attending the yearly Trentino Mostra dei Vini.

21-23 May 2017 – Soave Preview- Michle Shah SRL organised for Consorzio di Tutela Vini del Soave a group of international press to take part in the Soave Preview event. The event involved seminars, tastings and winery visits .

17-20 May 2017 – International Press to Vino in Villa Prosecco DOCG – Michele Shah SRL guided an international group of press to Prosecco for the Prosecco Consorzio DOCG for the yearly showcasing of the latest vintage at Vino in Villa.  The tour involved winery visits and touring the territory.

11 May 2017 – Università Normale di Pisa –  Master Universitario – Vini italiani e mercati mondiali – Michele Shah gave a 3 hour presentation on the UK wine market.

5-9 May 2017 –  Michele Shah SRL was responsible for guiding an international press trip to the Marche region for Marchet (Chamber of Commerce of Ancona).  The visits were theme based focusing on exports; organic production; ageing potential of Verdicchio; Rosso Conero; Rosso Piceno.

10 April 2017 – Vinitaly – Decanter tasting Ex….press – guided masterclass to the trade on  A celebration of Sparkling Wines:  Champagne, Trentodoc, Franciacorta.  The tasting includes some top champagnes and Italian Sparkling wines

 5-6 April 2017 – Michele Shah is panel judge for Italy on the Wine Salute to Excellence Awards held in Amsterdam 

1-4 April 2017 – Michele Shah SRL is official promotor of the Grandi Langhe event inviting 20 international wine buyers to four days of Piemonte wine tastings in the are of the Langhe.

18-25 March 2017 – Exceptional Tailored travel to Italy – Singapore Wine lovers in Valpolicella – Trentino- Alto Adige – Dolomites – Michele Shah SRL guided a private tour for wine-lovers from Singapore organising winery visits to some of  Northern Italy’s ‘iconic’ estates, including: Quintarelli; Bertani; San Leonardo; Ferrari Spumanti;Hofstatter; Terlano; Nals Margreid; Girlan and on to the Dolomites to samples the Michelin Restaurants of Alta Badia including Niederkofler’s 2 star St Hubertus in the Relais Chateaux Rosa Alpina, were we resided for 2 nights.

1-4 March 2017 Promec Chamber of Commerce Modena – Michele Shah SRL organised an International B2B Speedtasting Workshop with International Importers for Producers of Lambrusco Marchio Storico.  two mornings of B2B meetings followed by two afternoon of winery visits.

23 February 2017 – Verona – Michele Shah gave a presentation at Syngenta’s “Grape Quality Agreement Community”  on  how to approach International Markets – An overview of International markets.

22 February 2017 – Modena – Promec Michele Shah Training session (Formazione) for the producers of Marchio Storico Lambrusco

6 & 21 February 2017 – Regione Veneto Training session (Formazione) in Colli Berici for producers on Internationalisation and how to approach International Markets – An overview of International markets Michele Shah SRL contributing 16 hours of training.

30 January 2017 – 4th Edition of Barolo & Friends event in Oslo at Det Norske Teatret for Piemonte producers with the Consorzio i Vini del Piemonte organised by Michele Shah Srl with The Wine Tempter, exhibiting over 29 wineries  with attendance from 195 trade and 300 consumers.

5-7 December 2016 –  International Buyer Speedtasting to Colli Euganei – Organised by Michele Shah SRL in collaboration with the Consorzio di Tutela Colli Euganei.  International Buyers Speedtasting with 16 Colli Euganei producers.

1-4 December 2016 – International Press Trip – Focus German Press to Sagrantino di Montefalco – Organised by Michele Shah SRL in collaboration with the Consorzio di Tutela di Montefalco.  Selecting top German wine & food journalists to visit the region and meet the wine producers.

7-11 November 2016 – International Press trip to the Marche Region – Michele Shah SRL was responsible for guiding an international press trip to the Marche region for Marchet (Chamber of Commerce of Ancona) .  The visits were theme based focusing on its wines and terroir, including: organic production; ageing potential of Verdicchio; Rosso Conero; Rosso Piceno.

4-11 Novembre 2016 – Singapore group of wine enthusiasts visit Liguria & Piemonte with Nicholas Leong of Intervene Singapore & Michele Shah – Michele Shah SRL guided a group of Singapore wine enthusiasts to eastern Sicily.  The trip involved a mixture of wine tastings with Ligurian and Piedmont top wineries, fine dining featuring Piedmont’s white truffles and truffle hunting.

31 October 2016 – Hamburg, Germany – Consorzio i Vini del Piemonte Trade Event for trade and consumers organised by Emily Albers PR International in collaboration with Michele Shah SRL with 16 Piemonte producers.

18-22 October 2016 – Regione Sardegna, International press trip – focus Cannonau –  Organised by Michele Shah SRL conducting an international press trip with 10 journalists for LAORE and Regione Sardegna.

2-5 October 2016 – CWW Champagne – International press trip, France, Michele Shah and colleagues invited by Comité Champagne organized by CWW visiting:

Champagne Selosse
Champagne AR Lenoble
Champagne Jacquesson 
Champagne Moussé Fils
Champagne Ruinart
Champagne Eric Rodez
Champagne Collet

17-24 September 2016 – Singapore group of wine enthusiasts visit Sicily with Nicholas Leong of Intervene Singapore & Michele Shah – Michele Shah SRL guided a group of Singapore wine enthusiasts to eastern Sicily.  The trip involved a mixture of wine tastings, food focus, culture and helicopter flight and trekking up Mount Etna.

12-15 September 2016 – Soave International Speedtasting- Michle Shah SRL organised for Consorzio di Tutela Vini del Soave a Speedtasting in Soave with international importers and Soave producers. The event involved a workshop of 20 minute meetings between 20 producers and 10 importers followed by winery visits of the importer’s choice.

8-11 September 2016 Sagrantino Montefalco – Umbria International Speedtasting- Michele Shah SRL organised for Consorzio di Tutela Montefalco a Speedtasting in Montefalco with international importers and Montefalco producers. The event involved a workshop of 20 minute meetings between 16 producers and 10 importers followed by winery visits of the importer’s choice.

9-12 June 2016 Marche – Ancona International Speedtasting- Michele Shah SRL organised for Istituto Marchigiano di Tutela and Marchet a Speedtasting in Ancona with international importers and Marche producers. The event involved a workshop of 20 minute meetings between producers and importers followed by winery visits of the importer’s choice.

19 -22 May 2016 – International Press Trentino 19-22 May 2016 –  Michele Shah SRL guided an international group of press to Trentino for Consorzio I Vini del Trentino.  The tour involved winery visits and attending the yearly Trentino Mostra dei Vini.

13 -17 May 2016 – Swedish group of wine enthusiasts visit Sicily with Handpicked Imports of Sweden – Michele Shah SRL guided a group of Swedish wine enthusiasts for Handpicked Imports in Sweden to eastern Sicily.  The trip involved a mixture of wine tastings, food focus, culture and trekking up Mount Etna.

13 -17 May 2016 – International Press to Vino in Villa Prosecco DOCG – Michele Shah SRL guided an international group of press to Prosecco for the Prosecco Consorzio DOCG for the yearly showcasing of the latest vintage at Vino in Villa.  The tour involved winery visits and touring the territory.

 5-8 May 2016 – MW Student trip to the Marche Region – Michele Shah SRL was responsible for guiding a student Master of Wine education to the Marche region for Marchet (Chamber of Commerce of Ancona) and IMT (Istituto Marchigiano di Tutela).  The visits were theme based focusing on exports; organic production; ageing potential of Verdicchio; Rosso Conero; Rosso Piceno.

10-14 April 2016 Michele Shah SRL – selected for Veronafiere 10 International importers from USA, Estonia and UK to attend a special programme at Vinitaly during the trade fair.

13 April 2016 Michèle Shah conducted a tasting and seminar for Decanter magazine at Vinitaly’s Tasting Express programme of tastings which included a section of Pinot wines from Northern Europe: Alto Adige, Austria and Germany.

19-26 March 2016 – Singapore & Malaysia travel to Trentino- Alto Adige – Dolomites – Michele Shah SRL guided a private tour for wine-lovers from Singapore and Malaysia organising winery visits to some of  Northern Italy’s ‘iconic’ estates, including: San Leonardo; Ferrari Spumanti;Foradori; Endrizzi; Hofstatter; Terlano; Manincor; Alois Lageder and on to the Dolomites to samples the Michelin Restaurants of Alta Badia including Niederkofler’s St Hubertus in the Relais Chateaux Rosa Alpina, were we resided for 2 nights.

20-24 February 2016 – Germany MUNDUS VINI Competition – Michele Shah participated as a judge (for Italian wines) as part of the jury of the MUNDUS VINI world-wide competition.

15 February 2016 – Event in Oslo at Det Norske Teatret for Piemonte producers with the Consorzio i Vini del Piemonte organised by Michele Shah Srl with The Wine Tempter, exhibiting over 30 wineries  with attendance from 195 trade and 300 consumers.

3-7 February 2016 – Spain – Saragozza Grenaches du Monde Competition  Michele Shah participated as a judge as part of the jury for the Grenaches du Monde world-wide competition.

3-6 December 2015 – Marche – Ancona International Press Trip  Michele Shah SRL organised for Marchet – Chamber of Commerce of Ancona an international press trip with 10 international journalists from northern Europe. The event involved winery visits and a series of focused tastings.

26th November 2015 – IWSC : Banquet event 27th November London Guildhall Michele Shah Ambassador-Agent for  IWSC (International Wine & Spirit Competition) in Italy attended the Banquet.

7-14 November 2015 – Singapore Luxury Tour of Piemonte & Liguria -Michele Shah SRL Michele Shah SRL guided a private tour for wine-lovers from Singapore e Cina organising winery visits to some of Piedmont’s ‘iconic’ estates, including: Paolo Scavino; Roberto Voerzio and a seminar with Angelo Gaja followed by a tasting The tour also included a truffle hunt with truffle expert and dog and a focus on dining in Michelin starred restaurants with truffle menu. The tour also touched on LIGURIA where we visited some of the most beautiful seascapes and small bays and towns including: Camogli; San Fruttuoso and Santa Margherita, as well as the Cinque Terre where we met producer Walter de Batté for lunch and tasting..

22 October 2015 – All Italy Tasting in Warsaw – Poland – Michele Shah SRL together with Taste Italy in Poland and Iron3 in Italy organized a walk around tasting in Warsaw at Le Regina hotel for 19 Italian Producers and specialized trade in Warsaw: Importers, wine bars, restaurants and press..

15-18 October 2015 – Marche – Ancona International Speedtasting- Michele Shah SRL organised for Marchet – Chamber of Commerce of Ancona a Speedtasting with 10 international importers from Canada and USA and Marche producers. The event involved two workshop mornings of 20 minute meetings between producers and importers followed in the afternoon by winery visits of the importer’s choice..

9-11 October 2015 – Colli Vicentini Speedtasting – Michle Shah SRL organised for Consorzio Breganze; Colli Berici and Colli Vicentini; Gambellara; Durello a Speedtasting with with 12 international importers. The event consisted B2B meetings between wineries and importers and visits to a selection of wineries..

24-27 September 2015 – Trentino Press Trip – Michle Shah SRL organised for Consorzio Vini del Trentino with 12 international press. The event consisted of two mornings of tasting – total 160 wines and afternoon visits to different areas of production..

9-12 September 2015 – Soave International Speedtasting- Michle Shah SRL organised for Consorzio di Tutela Vini del Soave a Speedtasting in Soave with international importers and Soave producers. The event involved a workshop of 20 minute meetings between 20 producers and 10 importers followed by winery visits of the importer’s choice..

4-7 September 2015 Basilicata – Venosa – Incoming for International Press and International Importers – Michele Shah SRL organised for the Centro dell’Aglianico del Vulture in Venosa and the Grifalco Winery a tailor made programme to show the territory of the Aglianico del Vulture to select international importers and press..

23-28 June 2015 Marche – Ancona International Speedtasting- Michele Shah SRL organised for Istituto Marchigiano di Tutela and Marchet a Speedtasting in Ancona with international importers and Marche producers. The event involved a workshop of 20 minute meetings between producers and importers followed by winery visits of the importer’s choice..

19-22 June 2015 Tuscany -San Gimignano USA Speedtasting- Michele Shah SRL organised for the Consorzio di Tutela della Vernaccia a Speedtasting in San Gimignano with USA importers and Vernaccia producers. The event involved a workshop of 20 minute meetings between producers and importers followed by winery visits of the importer’s choice.

16-23 May 2015 – INCOMING Singapore e Cina – Michele Shah SRL guided a private tour for wine-lovers from Singapore e Cina organising winery visits to some of Tuscany’s ‘iconic’ estates: Castello Di Brolio; Badia Coltibuono; Volpaia; Tenuta di San Guido; Ornellaia; Antinori; Catello di Nipozzano – Frescobaldi.

15 – 19 May 2015 – Porto Cervo Wine Festival SARDEGNA – Michele Shah SRL selected a number of international wine importers and guided them on a two day tasting at Festival di Porto Cervo in Sardegna.

8-11 May 2015 – TRENTINO Speedtasting Trento – B2B Speedtasting workshop for 8 international wine buyers and 9 Trentino producers which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Trentino territory.

4 May 2015 All Italy London Event – Michle Shah SRL together with International Wine Traders and Eviva PR Agency organized an event for 20 Italian wineries from different Italian regions looking for representation on the UK market. The event included 2 seminars. The first Piedmont & Tuscany Past , Present & Future led by Natasha Hughes MW and the second Tretino Uncorcked Alpine Vines, Fragrant Wines by Peter McCombie MW..

22-26 April 2015- Emilia Romagna Lambrusco Speedtasting – Michle Shah SRL organized a Speedtasting with 12 international buyers and 22 wineries from the area of Emilia Romagna with main focus on Lambrusco.  The event included a small press trip with journalists from Mexico, Poland and Hong King.  The event was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of Modena and the Consorzio of Castelvetro.

14-16 April 2015 – Copenhagen – All Italy Event – Michele Shah SRL together with International Wine Traders organized an event in Copenhagen showcasing of 20 Italian wineries looking for distribution on the Danish market.

Vinitaly 2015 – Michèle Shah conducted a tasting for Decanter magazine at Vinitaly’s Tasting Express programme of tastings which included 11 different expressions of Nebbiolo from Piemonte, Valtellina and Valle d’Aosata.  Commented and guided by Michèle Shah who conducted the tasting together with producers: Giuseppino Anfossi – owner and winemaker of Azienda Agricola “Ghiomo”; Giovanni Correggia – owner of Azienda Agricola Matteo Correggia; Cinzia Travaglini – owner Azienda Vitivincola Travaglini; Casimiro Maule winemaker of Nino Negri in Valtellina; Enzo Brezza of Brezza winery in Barolo; and Isabella, owner of ARPEPE together with and enologist Sergio Molino.

Michele Shah SRL – selected 15 importers from Austria, Germany, Poland and USA to attend a special programme at Vinitaly during the trade fair

5-9 March 2015 – Modena – Promec, Confimi, Piacere Modena Speedtasting: workshop for 10 international food buyers and 16 Emilia producers which also included visits to a selection of producers and Modena territory. A Press trip was also organized including journalists from Hong Kong, Germany and USA

23 February 2015 – Event in Osloo at Det Norske Teatret for Piemonte producers with the Consorzio i Vini del Piemonte exhibiting 27 wineries  with attendance from 195 trade and 200 consumers

5-9 February 2015 – Monchiero Alto – I Vini del Piemonte Speedtasting: workshop for 12 international wine buyers and 22 Piemonte producers which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Piemonte territory.

20-23 November 2014 –  TRENTINO Incoming Russian Press  – Michele Shah selected a small group of Russian wine and food critics to visit Trentino and the wineries interested in exporting to the Russian market.   The two days included a general tasting of 53 wines followed by visits to a selection of wineries and Trentino territory led by Michèle Shah for the Consorzio Vini del Trentino

12th November 2014 – IWSC : Banquet event 13th November London Guildhall Michele Shah Ambassador-Agent for  IWSC (International Wine & Spirit Competition) in Italy.

16-20 October 2014 –  TRENTINO Speedtasting bis 2014 – Trento workshop for 10 international wine buyers and 13 Trentino producers which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Trentino territory and a presentation to buyers led by Michèle Shah and Consortium director

9-13 October 2014 –  CONSORZI VICENTINI Speedtasting bis 2014 – Esac Creazzo workshop for 10 international wine buyers and 13 Vicenza producers which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Vicenza territory and a presentation to buyers led by Michèle Shah and Consortiums directors

26-29 September 2014 –  MARCHET Speedtasting 2014 – Enoteca di Jesi workshop for 12 international wine buyers and 18 Marche producers which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Marche territory and a seminar to producers led by Michèle Shah

5-7 September 2014 –  SOAVE Speedtasting 2014 – Soave Versus – La Gran Guardia workshop for 11 international wine buyers and 18 Soave producers which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Soave territory.

1 september 2014 Michele Shah conducts a Seminar on International Wine Markets in collaboration with the Consorzio I Vini del Piemonte and Banca d’Alba, attended by over 100 Piemonte wine producers.  Presentations included The Importance of Communication; How to Approach International Wine Markets; International Wine Markets – How they differ. Find more info in “selection of  published articles” : La Stampa 2 September 2014

28-31 August 2014 –  Confagricoltura Cuneo Speedtasting 2014 workshop for 8 international wine buyers and 14 Langhe and Roero producers which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Piemonte territory.

20-24 June 2014 –  Consorzio Prosecco DOC Michele Shah organized an International press trip for a group of International Press from Life style, gourmet, and wine publications to visit the region of Prosecco DOC.  Press were invited from Australia, USA, China, Hong Kong and Russia.

13-16 June 2014 – Montecchio Maggiore Vicenza – Consorzi Vicenza  Speedtasting: workshop for 12 international wine buyers and 13 Breganze, Colli Berici e Vicenza, Gambellara producers which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Vicenza territory.

29 May 1 June 2014 – Modena – Incoming International Press Michele Shah led a small group of international press to discover the cultural and historical sights of the Modena area and its wines and gastronomy

29 May 1 June 2014 – Modena – Speedtasting Lambrusco 2014workshop for 10 international wine buyers and 12 producers which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Emilia Romagna territory

23-26 May 2014 – San Gimignano – Speedtasting Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG San Gimignano DOC e altri vini del territorio 2014workshop for 12 international wine buyers and 16 producers which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Colli Senesi territory.

19 may 2014 – Consorzio Colli Euganei – Michele Shah  organized a trade event in Copenhagen for a group of 15 producers from the Consorzio Colli Euganei to meet the Danish trade at the Radisson Blue Hotel in Copenhagen

16 – 19 May 2014 – Porto Cervo Wine Festival – Michele Shah SRL, supplied a number of wine buyers to attend the Festival in Porto Cervo

8-12 May 2014 – International Press trip Marchet (Chamber of Commerce of Ancona) Michele Shah led a small group of international Press and wine Critics to visit the region of the Marche with particular focus on the region of Ancona

6-9 April 2014 – Vinitaly Veronafiere – Responsible for selecting international wine buyers to attend Vinitaly’s special workshop program.  Michele Shah conducted a special seminar for Decanter magazine, on ‘White Wines that can Age Gracefully’ presenting a selection of Italian and Austrian white wines with vintages as far back as 1995.

3 March 2014 Oslo – Consorzio I Vini del Piemonte event in Oslo. Michele Shah SRL, collaborated with The Wine Tempter in organizing an event for 20 Piemonte producers in Oslo.  This was the first collective event for Piemonte wines in Oslo.  A seminar was held by Lars Helliesen of Gaja wines.  150 Trde members attended and 200 consumers joined the consumer session in the evening.

14-17 February 2014 – Monchiero Alto – I Vini del Piemonte Speedtasting: workshop for 12 international wine buyers and 20 Piemonte producers which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Piemonte territory.

24-27 January 2014 – Trento-Riva del Garda – Expo Riva Hotel “Trentino Buyers event”: workshop for 12 international wine buyers and 10 Trentino producers which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Trentino territory.

29 November – 3 December 2013 Marche Italy Incoming International Press Michele Shah led a small group of international press to discover the cultural and historical sights of the Marche and its wines and gastronomy

13th November 2013 – IWSC: Banquet event 13th November London Guildhall Michele Shah representing IRVOS and representing IWSC in Italy.

12 November 2013 – London: Event programmed by Michele Shah SRL and Hunt & Coady for 30 Sicilian wineries to meet with over 250 representatives of the UK trade, including On-trade Horeca- wholesalers- retailers – sommeliers, restaurants and press

26-27 October 2013 – Montecchio Maggiore Vicenza – Consorzi Vicenza  Speedtasting: workshop for 12 international wine buyers and 13 Breganze, Colli Berici e Vicenza, Gambellara producers which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Vicenza territory.

20-21 October 2013 – Castelvetro di Modena – Castello di Levizzano Rangone  Speedtasting: 2 workshops for 11 international wine buyers and 18 Grasparossa producers which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Emilia Romagna territory.

October 2013 – Event for private consumers group of 18 Australians visiting Tuscany. Michele Shah carried out wine tasting of different Italian regions and grape varieties, Tuscan dinner paired to Tuscan wines and visits to Castello di Ama, Castelo Di Brolio and Badia Coltibuono

30 – 31 August Guarene  Alba 2013 – Speedtasting workshop for 10 international wine buyers and 18 Langhe Roero producers, which also included visits to a selection of wineries and Langhe and Roero territory

6-10 June 2013 – Michele Shah SRL Veneto Speedtasting – a series of three Speedtasting workshops were organized in three different areas of production in the Veneto:  Soave; Colli Vicentini; Colli Euganei, and involved 5 Consrzios.  Each morning the international wine buyers invited met with the producer at individual 20 minute meetings, which were previously programmed and curtailed to the number of meetings.  In the afternoon importers were able to select two of the participating wineries of their own choice to visit.  The aim was to enhance new commercial ventures between the Buyers and Producers.

27 May – 1 June 2013- International Study Tour of Sicily –  Michèle Shah organized and led 10 international wine buyers and 8 international press on a study tour of Sicily with special focus on wine, gastronomy, olive oil and cultural heritage.  The tour was based in Easter Sicily incorporating Siracusa, Ragusa and Etna.  On two mornings a Speedtasting workshop was held between the 10 importers and 10 wine buyers, to enhance new commercial opportunities

17-20 May 2013 – Porto Cervo Wine Festival Business to Business Workshop – Organized an international workshop for international importers and producers (mainly form Sardegna) attending the Wine festival in Porto Cervo

6-10 May 2013 – Brazil Wines of Sicily  – Hotel Melia San Paolo – together with the PR agency Cristina Neves, organized a showcasing of 25 Sicilian wineries to over 250 Brazilian trade.  The event consisted of two themed Seminars led by Arthur Azevedo, President  of Brazilian Sommelier Association.  The program also included a tour of Retail visits and a seminar on the Brazilian market led by Christian Burgos CEO of the ADEGA Media Group

7-10 April 2013 Vinitaly Veronafiere – Responsible for selecting international wine buyers to attend Vinitaly’s special workshop programme

12-15 March 2013 – Hong Kong Wines of Sicily – March 14th Sicilian wine event at the Hong Kong Jockey Club – Two seminars for the trade were led by Debra Meiburg MW.  A Chinese dinner matched to Sicilian wines was conducted by Michele Shah and Peter Chu for press and trade – The event was organized for 20 Sicilian producers to attend a private Wine Showcasing event at the Hong Kong Jockey Club, with over 250 trade.  The program also included a tour of Retail visits and a seminar on the Hong Kong market led by Peter Chu of Asia Pacific.

February 25 – 1 March 2013 Michele Shah SRL organised two events in Scandinavia: Stockholm and Copenhagen – to promote Sicilian wines in these markets. The two events brought 20 Sicilian wineries in contact with the members of trade in these countries. Seminars with opinion leaders in each market and MW’s were organized for the trade to explain the diversity of Sicilian territory its wines and production.

11 February 2013 – Irvos/Wines of Sicily – Norway –  Michele Shah SRL organized with Olivier Fauviel of the Wine Tempter an event in Oslo to promote the wines of Sicily to the tradeThe event included a wine seminar led by Mai Tjemsland MW and an olive oil seminar led by Carlo Hjelkrem and Michèle Shah – participation on the 2012 event double for this year!

19-24 January 2013 – Irvos/Wines of Sicily – India –  Michele Shah SRL organized together with Subhash Arora, President of the Indian Wine Academy a series of Seminars on  the wines and olive oils of Sicily in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Culcutta.  The master class seminars for the trade were led by Susan Hulme MW.  The project was also in joint venture with the ITC group of Luxury Hotels which promoted a special Sicilian dinner at each location to VIP clientsprepared by Sicilian Chef, Carmelo Floridia, from Gulfi Resort in Chiaromonte Ragusa.  The producers accompanying the road show to promote Sicily and its wines were:  Benanti, Tasca d’Almerita, Planeta, Valle del’Acate, Castelluccimiano, Curto, Ottoventi, Feudo Disisa, Feudo Montoni and Donnafugata.

18-19 October 2012 – Irvos/Wines of Sicily – Poland – Michele Shah SRL organized together with Taste Italy Poland a day of showcasing of 27 Sicilian wineries in Warsaw to the Polish Wine trade – over 100 trade participated.  Two seminars were conducted by Wojciech Bońkowski of Polish Wine Guide and a day of importer/retail visits were organized for the Sicilian importers.

2 October 2012 – Irvos/Wines of Sicily –  London – Michele Shah SRL organized together with Hunt & Coady UK a day of showcasing of 40 Sicilian wineries in London to the British Wine trade – over 300 trade participated.  Three seminars were conducted by Angela Muir MW.

23- 29 September 2012 – Incoming Sicily for International Buyers and Press from Hong Kong, Russia, Brazil, India, Scandinavia – involved 4 days of workshop meetings for wine buyers and a tour of part of Sicily of International press.

1 – 2 September 2012 – Soave Speedtasting workshop for 13 international wine buyers and 20 Soave producers, plus winery visits

24 – 25 August Guarene  Alba 2012 – Speedtasting workshop for 9 international wine buyers and 16 Langhe Roero producers, plus winery visits

20 – 24 June, 2012 – Brazil Wines of Sicily  – Hotel Unique San Paolo – together with the PR agency Cristina Neves, organized a showcasing of 20 Sicilian wineries to over 300 Brazilian trade.  the event consisted of a Seminar led by Arthur Azevedo, Director of Brazilian Sommelier Association, Giovanni Bacigalupo, of Italian Wine Selection and Michèle Shah.  The program also included a seminar at the Brazilian Sommelier Association and a tour of Retail visits.

June 14, 2012 – UIV TRENTINO EVENT IN MOSCOW – SEMINAR WITH IGOR SERDYUK AND LUCA GARDINI – WALK AROUND TASTING – Organized a Trentino and Trentodoc wine Showcasing event in Moscow Hotel Lotte, Special guests included Igor Serdyuk Russia’s most important Wine Critic and World Champion Sommelier Luca Gardini leading the Seminar

26-28 May 2012 – MAREMMA WINE SHIRE Event –  Organized for 20 international wine importers to visit the Tuscan coast of Maremma and meet with a selection of over 180 producers – workshop visits and winery visits

25-31 May 2012 – Hong Kong Wines of Sicily – May 28th at the Hong Kong Jockey Club – Dinner conducted by Chef Carmelo Floridia and World Champion Sommelier Luca Gardini – followed by 3 days at Vinexpo in Hong Kong – Organized for 20 Sicilian producers to attend a private Wine Showcasing event at the Hong Kong Jockey Club, before Hong Kong Vinexpo event.  Special Highlights included World Wide Champion Sommelier Luca Gardini conducting wine tastngs.

26-28 May – 2012 MAREMMA WINE SHIRE Event – Organized for 20 international wine importers to visit the Tuscan coast of Maremma and meet with a selection of over 180 producers – workshop visits and winery visits

11-18 May 2012- Institute of Master of Wine Institute Study Tour of Sicily –  Michèle Shah organized and led 20 Masters of Wine from different international countries on an official Master of Wine Institute study tour of Sicily.  The tour lasted 8 days and covered 200 km and hundreds of winesIt covered both Eastern & Western Sicily and consisted of winery visits and many vertical tastings

3-7 May 2012 – Porto Cervo Wine Festival Business to Business Workshop – Organized an international workshop for 12 importers and 20 producers (mainly form Sardegna) attending the Wine festival in Porto Cervo

24-28 March 2012 Vinitaly Veronafiere – Responsible for selecting international wine buyers to attend Vinitaly’s special workshop programme

2012 # February 6-12 2012. Michele Shah SRL organized three events in Scandinavia: Oslo; Stockholm and Copenhagen – to promote Sicilian wines in these markets. The three events brought 20 Sicilian wineries in contact with the members of trade in these countries. Seminars were also organized for the trade to explain the diversity of Sicilian wines and production.

2012 # January 27-31 Michele Shah led an international educational of over 20 international journalists to Verona for the annual Anteprima Amarone 2008 rganized by the Consorzio Valpolicella. It involved a showcasing of the latest vintage release of Amarone (2008). This involved a tasting of over 70 Amarone wines and several winery visits.

2012 # January 21 & 23 Seminars on market trands for Soave wines around the world, commissioned by Consorzio del Soave and another seminar for Villa Crespia in Franciacorta on Dosage Zero and how is it perceived around the world.

2012 # January 9-16 Organized and carried out a series of seminars in India on Sicilian wine in the cities of Mumbai, Delhi, Calcutta and Pune together with Soubash Arora, President of Indian Wine Academy for IRVV (Istitute della Vite e del Vino.

2011 # November 24-27 Michele Shah led a group of international press to Trento to attend the Bollicine su Trento event dedicated to Trentodoc.
The visit included mini vertical tastings of Trentodoc wines from a selection of top producers. A walk around tasting and two days of winery visits.

2011 # November 12 Michele Shah was one of the panel speakers on the International Symposium on the Future of Premium White Wine from the international market view.
Other speakers included: Antonio Galloni of Wine Advocate – Paul Wagner of Balzac Communication – Filip Cayman Wine of Intelligence.

2011 # November 10-13 Friuli Asia Incoming –

Michele Shah selected and led a group of importers from Asia: Japan; Hong Kong; China to Friuli Isonzo to meet with producers through an organized workshop BtoB – SPEEDTASTING followed by winery visits.

2011 # October 27-28 MIWE – Moscow International Wine Exhibition

Michele Shah SRL led a group of Sicilian producers to participate in MIWE – first edition.

2011 October 16-19 Winett T&T – Venice – Asia International and USA International B2B workshops

Michele Shah was responsible for selecting the wine buyers for the Asia International and USA International B2B workshops, as well as the running of these on the 17 and 18 October. There were 10/12 wine buyers per workshop and 20 producers in each.

2011 # October 2-7 Incoming Sicily, Educational for 10 International wine Buyers and 10 International Press from Hong Kong, Brazil, India, Scandinavia, China and Poland

2 workshosps were organized one for the Producers of Eastern Sicily and one for producers of Western Sicily, as well as winery visits throughout the island.

2011 # September 28 London – Showcasing of Sicilian Wines at Altitude in London organized by the Hunt & Coady Ltd

250 trade attended, including, importers, distributors, agents, journalists, resturaterus and sommeliers. Two wine guided seminars by Peter McCombe MW

2011 # September 12 USA – New York – Showcasing of Sicilian Wines at Hotel Andaz, New York, organized by the Mackenzie Agency USA

Open to trade only, incuding, importers, distributors, agents, journalists, resturaterus and sommeliers. Two wine guided seminars by Fabio Piccoli and Robert Camuto

2011 # September 1-7 Part of MIWE – Russian Creative Tour

10 participants from Russia, including Chefs, Journalists, Photographers and Bloggers invited to Sicily to tour some of its cultural, gastronomical and viticultural hightlights to be communicated in a special pre MIWE (Moscow International Wine Exhibition) exhibition week in Moscow
2011# August 28-31 Speedtasting in Piemonte with 25 Langhe producers

Workshop for 13 international wine buyers and 25 Langhe producers, plus winery visits

2011 # June 28, London – Definitive Italian Tasting – Sicily Seminar led by Peter McCombie MW

2011 # Incoming Trentino Spa and Trentino Sprint – May 2011

Organized for 10 international importers and 10 international press to visit Trentino and the Mostra dei Vini in Trento. Winery visits were also organized.

2011 # Maremmawineshire May 2011

Sourced 20 International importers for a workshop and tasting in Maremma organized by the Camera di Commercio and Grosseto Fiere

2011 #  Outgoing – Consorzio Friuli Isonzo – Hong Kong – May 2011

Organized a trade tasting in Hong Kong for the producers of the Consorzio Friuli Isonzo with a Masterclass led by Jeannie Cho Lee MW

2011 #  Incoming of Canadian and USA importers and press for IRVV (Istituto Nazionale della Vite e del Vino)

A walk around tasting was held in Palermo with 30 wineries for USA and Canadian importers and press, including trade seminars on Toronto’s market and USA general markets.  It was   followed by winery tours exploring and visiting the Eastern and Western wine producing areas of Sicily.

2011 # WINETT T&T EXPORT, a private Business to Business workshop – March 2011

Advisor & Coordinator for WINETT T&T EXPORT, a private Business to Business event dedicated to foreign importers (buyers) and a small number of selected Italian Wine producers keen to establish and consolidate commercial relationships with international markets – set in Hotel Europa & Regina on the Grand canal in Venice. This event involved organizing three workshops: Europe market, USA and International markets, Asian markets.  Two session were held the first in Palermo -Sicily for IRVV (Istituto Nazionale della Vite e del Vino) for Sicilian wineries and the second in Venice for individual wineries from all Italy.

2011 # Anteprima Amarone vintage 2007

Organized for the Consorzio Tutela della Valpolicella the incoming of 25 international press to attend the release of the 2007 vintage of Amarone della Valpolicella. The consultancy involved the tasting of over 50 Amarone 2007 wines and two days of winery trips ti different producers.


  • 2010 # Consultant to IRVV Sicily for their International Events programme
From October 2010 I shall be working (on a three year plan) as the International Consultant assisting IRVV (Istituto Regional Vite e Vino) in selecting a series of ’outgoing’ events and ’incoming’ educationsls for Wine Buyers and Press from International markets.
  • 2010 # WINETT T&T EXPORT, a private Business to Business workshop – November 2010
Advisor & Coordinator for WINETT T&T EXPORT, a private Business to Business event dedicated to foreign importers (buyers) and a small number of selected Italian Wine producers keen to establish and consolidate commercial relationships with international markets – set in Hotel Europa & Regina on the Grand canal in Venice. This event involved organizing three workshops: Europe market, USA and International markets, Asian markets.
  • 2010 # Istituto Regionale Vite & Vino (IRVV) San Francisco US
Organized together with the Karen MacKenzie Agency an event for Sicilian wineries in San Francisco – 5th October 2010 – Vini di Sicilia – showcasing for the trade and press.
  • 2010 # Brunello di Montalcino – Belgium & Netherlands
Small Educational for select group of Belgium and Netherlands importers and press. Included wine tastings and winery visits.
  • 2010 # Friuli – Isonzo and Veneto -Valpolicella Educational for Associationa of Wine Educators
June 2010 – Organized together with the Consorzio di Tutela Isonzo in Friuli and Consorzio di Tutela Valpolicella in Veneto an Educational trip for the Association of Wine Educators – UK. The trip involved winery visits and as well as an introduction to the appellations of the two areas visited.
  • 2010 # Trentino Spa & Trentino Sprint – May 2010
Organized two educationals. One for Trentino Spa with a group of international journalists from Eastern Europe, Russia and Scandinavian countries. At the same time organized an educational for Trentino Sprint with a group of international importers from Eastern Europe, Russia and Scandinavian countries. Visited a number of producers as well as the Trentino wine fair.
  • 2010 # Winett Taste & Trade – B2B workshop in Venice – February 2010
Advisor & Coordinator for WINETT T&T EXPORT, a private Business to Business event dedicated to foreign importers (buyers) and a small number of selected Italian Wine producers keen to establish and consolidate commercial relationships with international markets – set in Hotel Europa & Regina on the Grand canal in Venice. This event involved organizing three workshops: GDO national Italian supermarkets; Asian markets; USA and Americas markets.
  • 2010 # Rimini Salone Divino – Wine trade Fair 2010
Selected 30 International Wine Buyers for the Rimini Wine Trade Fair
  • 2010 # Anteprima Amarone vintage 2006
Organized for the Consorzio Tutela della Valpolicella the incoming of 35 international press to attend the release of the 2006 vintage of Amarone della Valpolicella. The consultancy involved the tasting of over 70 Amarone 2006 wines and two days of winery trips ti different producers.
  • 2010 # Movimento del Turismo Puglia Educational International Press
Organized an Educational for MTV Puglia for foreign press which focused on the different areas and appellations of the Puglia.
  • 2009 # Winett Taste & Trade – workshops in Venice March & October 2009
Advisor & Coordinator for WINETT T&T EXPORT, a private Business to Business event dedicated to foreign importers (buyers) and a small number of selected Italian Wine producers keen to establish and consolidate commercial relationships with international markets – set in Hotel Europa & Regina on the Grand canal in Venice.
  • 2009 # Marche Educational Buyers and Foreign press – September 2009
Organized an Educational for Assivip which focused on the different areas and appellations of the Marche. Five international journalists and five international wine buyers joined the educational.
  • 2009 # Brunello di Montalcino Eastern Europe Educational – September 2009
Organized a workshop showcasing of Brunello di Montalcino wines and winery visits for three days for a group of 10 importers from Norther European countries with particular focus on Eastern Europe.
  • 2009 # Tuscany & Company Educational – June 2009
Organized an itinerant educational for the Producers of Tuscany & Co. situated in Tuscany and Lazio for a group of Asian and US importers.
  • 2009 # Brunello di Montalcino Scandinavia Educational 2009 – June 2009
Organized a workshop showcasing of Brunello di Montalcino wines and winery visits for three days for a group of 10 importers from Norther European countries with particular focus on Scandinavia.
  • 2009 # Sardinia – An island of Wines – Vinopolis – May 2009
Power Point presentation and tutored tasting of the wines of Sicily for the Regional Institute of Wine and Viticulture – Presented to the press and trade at Vinopolis – London.
  • 2009 # Alla Corte del Vino – trade workshop
Importer workshop at Alla Corte del Vino in Tuscany (Chianti Classico) for internatinal importers from Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden.
  • 2009 # UK Press Trips Alto Adige – Trentino – Prosecco
Alto Adige and Trentino with the Association of Wine Educators – AWE
Vino in Villa – Prosecco annual showcasing for UK Press
  • 2009 # Competition judging Italian panel – Decanter and IWSC
Wine judging for UK’s IWSC Competition and Decanter Wine Competition on the Italian wine panel.
  • 2009 # VeronaFiere – Vinitaly 2004 -2005 – 2006 – 2007 – 2008 -2009 – 2010 – 2011
Consultant to VeronaFiere for Vinitaly in 2004 – 2005 -2006 – 2007- 2008 – 2009 -2010 – 2011
Veronafiere are the organizers of Italy’s largest and most influential Wine Trade Fair Vinitaly held on an annual basis in Verona in April.
The consultancy involves selecting and bringing together a selection of some of the leading international wine buyers/importers/distributors to attend Vinitaly. In addition to setting up regional wine tastings and b2b workshops for the international trade sector during the exhibition and special wine tasting evenings organized with regional wine grower associations.
  • 2009 # Winett T & T – Venice
Acted as Advisor for the selection of 32 wine producers from all Italy to participate on a b2b event with 17 international (personally selected) wine buyers and 10 national (Italian) supermarket buyers. The venue took place in March 11-13 March 2009 at the Westin Regina & Europa overlooking the Grand Canal in Venice. The first two days were dedicated to export markets and the third day to national (Italian) market.
  • 2009 # Arezzo Wine 2009
Selected and organized for 30 international wine buyers to attend the Arezzo Wine trade fair in Tuscany.
  • 2009 # Amarone vintage 2005
Selected and organized the incoming of 30 international journalists to participate in the presentation of Amarone vintage 2005 showcased by the Consorzio della Valpolicella. The event took place in Verona where journalists could meet with producer members of the Consorzio Valpolicella and taste through over 70 ssamples of Amarone 2005 and Recioto wines.
  • 2009 # Taj Hotel and Park Hotel Masterclass on Brunello di Montalcino
February 2009
Conducted a masterclass in Delhi for the Food & Beverage staff of the Park Hotel on Italian wines
Conducted a masterclass in Mumbai for the Food & Beverage staff of the Taj hotel group on Brunello di Montalcino with 50 participants attending
  • 2008 # Alla Corte del Vino – May 2008
15-17 May – Alla Corte del Vino – Asia Workshop
Selected a gorup of wine buyers from Asian countries and conducted a b2b workshop for 15 Asian buyers and producers from Tuscany at the Corte del Vino event at Le Corti estate
  • 2008 # Brunello di Montalcino India Educational 2008
Organized and conducted an educational for a group of 15 Indian press and Indian wine importers for the Consorzio Brunello di Montalcino. The organization involved a full tasting of Brunello and Rosso di Montalcino as well as winery visits over 3 days.
  • 2008 # 6-10 March 2008 Friuli International Press trip and International Workshop
Conducted an International Press trip in Friuli for Movimento Turismo Italiano. At the same time assisted with the implementation of an International wine trade workshop b2b for Friuli Producers organized by Movimento Turismo Italiano. The assignment consisted in selecting 25 international importers.
  • 2008 # Amarone 2004
January 2007 Led a group of 20 interntional press to Verona to participate in the Amarone 2004 vintage release, which involved tasting 70 Amarone wines from 2004. Two days were spent visiting wineries in the area of Valpolicella.
Preparing also for january 2008 on Vintage 2005
  • 2007 # Produttori Bottega del Dolcetto di Dogliani – Educational International Press
November 2007. Led an educational for a group of 12 international press in the area of Dogliani foscusing exclusively on Dolcetto di Dogliani. This included a general tasting and varius individual winery visits.
  • 2007 # Assovip Marche – International press – October 2007 and October 2008
Led an educational in the area of The Marches for a group of 12 international press. This included a general tasting and a range of individual winery visits.
  • 2007 # Ist Presentation Consorzio Prosecco – London Trade Event – October 2007 repeated in October 2008

October 2007 – Assisted in the organization of the Consorzio di Tutela Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene’s first debut in London. This included the showcasing of 32 producers and their wines to the UK trade at the Insittute of Directors in central London. The turnout was over 150 trade and press and a seminar for over 40 trade conducted during the all-day event.

The event was repeated as an annual event in October 2008 for 45 Prosecco producers.

  • 2007 # Salone del Vino – Workshop for 40 international Buyers – Focus India/Russia/Asia
Consultant for co-coordinating 40 International wine buyers from a global range of countries to attend a ’Supply/Demand’ workshop between buyers and Italian producers held at the Salone del Vino 2007 Trade Fair in Torino, Italy.
  • 2007 # Educational Chianti Classico – September 2007 and September 2008

September 2007 – Focus India – Conducted an Educational for 8 Indian press from consumer and trade magazines, lifestyle, travel and major daily papers. The educational focused on the top estates of Chianti Classico and involved individual themed winery visits.

September 2008 – Focus Baltic countries and northern Europe – Conducted an Educational for 12 wine buyers from the Baltic countries and norther Europe. The focus was setting up b2b workshop meetings with the Chianti Classico produces from different production zones over a two full day schedule in which 70 producers were involved.

  • 2007- 2007 # Educational San Gimignano – International Buyers
August 2007. Conducted an Educational for 12 international buyers with focus on Vernaccia di San Gimignano docg and San Gimignano Rosso doc. This included a programme based on a general tasting and individual winery visits. Food and wine pairing.
  • 2007 # 2007 Veneto – Prosecco/Soave/Valpolicella: Buyers Asia
Conducted an educational in Veneto to the areas of Prosecco Doc, Valpolicella and Soave. The group included 8 international wine buyers for the Asia market and 4 international press Asia. The educational organized over 7 days was in collaboration with the three Consorzios and included area briefings, winery and vineyard visits as well s visits to local artisan food producers.
  • 2007 # Educational Basilicata May 2007
The Eductional included a selection of 18 international wine buyers and press to visit the opening of the Grifalco Wine Estate in Venosa Basilicata, as well as a comprhensive tasting of: Basilicata DOC and IGT wines “Matera”, “Alta Val d’Agri” and “Roccanova del Grottino”. Historic towns of Venosa and Matera were also visited.
  • 2007 # 2007 3-7 May – Alto Adige Educational
Educational with focus on small group of top UK press visitng some of Alto Adige’s key wineries as well as the “Mostra Vini Bolzano” – a general tasting at Castel Mareccio with about 60 producers showcasing more than 300 wines. Individual visits included: Laimburg Research Center and Winery; Manincor;Abbazia di Novacella; Cantina Termeno; Cantina Terlano.
  • 2007 # Bath Wine Festival – January 2007
Speaker at the Bath Wine Festival – a festival held at the Bath Priory Hotel focusing on Itlaian wine. Gave a talk on Italian wine at the Bruno Giacosa dinner. Gave a talk and a tasting on Italian wine – showing Italy’s different regions of production and main diferent grape varieties.
  • 2006- 2006 # Presentation of UK market to Trentino Spa
Power point presentation of the main issues that local Italian producers face when looking to enter the UK wine trade. This involved an in-depth market analysis of the developments and evolution of wine industry in the UK.
  • 2006- 2006 # Educational Arezzo – Tuscany – November 2006
Educational of the appellations around Arezzo, which includes: Cortona DOC; Valdichiana DOC; Colli Artetini DOC; Pietraviva DOC for a group of 20 professionals -9 international press and 11 international buyers.
  • 2006 # Prosecco Presentation New York
A day of tastings organized by the Prosecco DOC Consozorzio – Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, held at Cipriani in Manhattan, on 27th June 2006. During the New York venue Michèle Shah two guided seminars on the history of the area, the vinification process and the viticulture of the DOC area of production. The seminar also touched on the different examples of food pairing to the various styles of Prosecco.
  • 2006 # Educational Veneto
June 2006 Conducted an educational in Veneto to the areas of Prosecco Doc, Valpolicella and Soave. The group included 7 international wine buyers and 7 international press. The educational organized over 5 days was in collaboration with the three Consorzios and included area briefings, winery and vineyard visits as well s visits to local artisan food producers.
  • 2006 # MiWINE – Milano 14-16 June 2004
Responsible for selection of 20 internatioanl wine buyers and importers from global market with special focus on Asia to attend a full 3 days work at MIWINE trade fair held in Milan 14-16 June 2006.
  • 2006 # Educational Trentino
May 2006 – Conducted an educational with 12 international press to the region of Trentino. The educational was organized over three dayswith Trentino Spa and included general area briefing, winery and vineyard visits and a group wine tasting of over 70 estates.
  • # Educational – Chianti Colli Fiorentini & Vernaccia di San Gimignano 2005
• September 2005 – Organized and led a group of 18 international press on a special 3 day programme focusing on the wines and production area of Tuscany’s Chianti Colli Fiorentini and Vernaccia di San Gimignano. The cosnultancy was carried out for the Consorzio Chianti Colli Fiorentini and Consorzio Vernaccia di San Gimignano.
  • # Salone del Vino, International Workshop, Torino 2002 continuing to 2007
Consultant for co-ordinating 50 International wine buyers from a global range of countries to attend a ’Supply/Demand’ workshop between buyers and Italian producers held at the Salone del Vino 2003 Trade Fair in Torino, Italy.
Repeated on a yearly basis starting from 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007. Presently organizing the biannual 2007 workshop for International Buyers.
  • # Educational – Sagrantino di Montefalco 2004 – 2005 – 2006

2006 2005 Consultant to the Municipality of Montefalco and the Strade del Sagrantino responsible for inviting a group of international press and global wine buyers to sample the latest vintage releases and visit a selection of Montefalco estates.

2005 Consultant to the Municipality of Montefalco and the Strade del Sagrantino responsible for inviting a group of international press and global wine buyers to participate in the annual en primeur tastings of the latest vintages of: Sagrantino di Montefalco DOCG 2002 and Rosso di Montefalco DOC 2003. The educational included a special focus on the wines of Montefalco, winery visits, the opportunity to taste Sgrantino wines with the producers and a vertical tasting from 1985, showing the longevity of Sagrantino wines.

2004 Consultant to the Municipality of Montefalco and the Strade del Sagrantino responsible for inviting a group of international press and global wine buyers to participate in the annual en primeur tastings of the latest vintages of: Sagrantino di Montefalco DOCG 2001 and Rosso di Montefalco DOC 2002.

  • # Educational Chianti Classico da Scoprire 2004- 2005 – 2006

Consultant to Chianti Classico da Scoprire events 2004 – 2005 – 2006 responsible for inviting international press and global wine buyers to a focused Chianti Classico tasting, which included 17-20 dedicated small Chianti Classico estates showcasing their wines at a unique tasting held at Azienda Casafrassi, in Castellina in Chianti, the heart of Chianti Classico, during March 2004 and repeated in March 2005 and March 2006.

The aim of the event, open to the trade and press is to emphasize that high quality production can be synonymous with a good price/quality ratio. The wines on show will include Chianti Classico and IGT wines their ex-cellar prices ranging between 5 and 10 euros.

  • # Centro Agroalimentare dell’Umbria 2003 – 2005
Consultancy organizing foreign press and a global portfolio of buyers, distributors and importers to participate at the Umbria stand during Vinitaly 2003, Vinitaly 2004 and Vinitaly 2005.
  • # Amarone 2000 – vintage showcasing in 2004
The first ever ’en primeur’ showcasing of over 50 Vlapolicella estates producing Amarone wine. Organized by the Consorzio di Tutela dei Vini Valpolicella 31 January – 2 February, 2004. Consultancy focused on inviting international press and wine critics to attend the tastings.

  • 2007- 2010 # Ambrosia – India Trade Magazine
• Piemonte – Roero – Regional Profile 2010
• Australia – Yarra Valley – Regional reportage 2010
• Vinitaly 2007 couverage
• Market analysis of Italian wines imported to India
  • 2006- 2014 # Italy Correspondent to Wine Business International – ongoing
Wine Business International is a trade publication which deals with the international wine arena. Michele Shah is theri Italian correspondent writing egular in-depth articles on the Italian wine scene as well as breaking news on Italy, which is published on www.wine-business-international.com – ongoing correspondent from 2006 to 2012
• Harvest 2007
• Prosecco Profile
• Pinot Grigio Profile
• Harvest Report 2006
• Tuscany Survey – Frescobaldi and Antinori – 2007
• Italy market analysis – 2007
• Vinitaly profile – 2008
• Tuscan Profile – 2008
• Italy Distribution – 2008
• A Survey of Who’s Who in Italy – 2008
• Zonin Interview
• Harvest 2009
• Italy Analysis
• Italy’s top Cooperatives
• Zonin – Interview with Gianni Zonin
• Tavernello – Caviro – Product profile
• Barone Ricasoli – Company Profile 2010
• Veneto – Regional Profile 2010
• Amarone – Varietal profile 2010
• Prosecco – a Regional Prolife 2010
• Company Profile – CAVIT 2010
• Swedish Revolution (Systembolaget) 2010
• Prosecco Profile – 2011
•Supertuscans – 2011
•Sicily Profile – 2011
• Super Premium Reds – 2011
•Trentino Regional Survey – 2011
  • San Felice – Tuscany, profile 2012
  • Veneto regional profile 2012
  • Prosecco profile 2012
  • Italy’s power list 2013
  • Who’s Who in Tuscany 2013
  • Regional Rofile Lambrusco 2013
  • Sicily Regional Profile 2014
  • 2006- 2007 # Just-drinks.com
Correspondent for Italy with breaking news on the Italian wine and spirits trade.
  • 2006 # Wine & Spirit – UK

UK’s new consumer/trade magazine made its debut in March 2006. April 2006 contains two features:

Tuscany’s lasted vintage releases: Brunello di Montalcino 2001; Nobile di Montepulciano 2003: Chianti Classico 2004
includes top wines from the newely released vintages

Italy’s Extreme & Heroic Viticulture – ‘Extreme’, ‘heroic’ viticulture, conjures up spectacular images of dramatic vineyard exposures, producing some of Italy’s most exciting ‘borderline wines’. Tradition and culture have been fundamental in safeguarding the integrity and authenticity of these unique wines.

  • 2006- 2007 # Corriere Vinicolo
2010 – Sustainable viticulture in New Zealand
2007 – IWSC – International Wine & Spirit Competition Results 2007
10/7/2006 – Cronache dal Mondo- Focus Vinoble – A Jerez de la Frontera Sherry, Porto & c. si dichiarano pronti al cambiamento
1/2/2006 – Cronache dal Mondo- Focus Russia – Il grende Orso non Dorme – interview with Director of Simple Wine imports in Russia
16/1/2006 – Cronache dal Mondo- Focus Ucrania – Quella voglia d’Occidente da non farsi scappare – interview with CEO of Ukrain’s top importer of foreign wines – Dolmart Ukraine.
  • 2005- 2014 # Sommelier India regular column on Italy (ongoing)
• VinoVip, Tasting with the Eagles at Cortina
•Sicily 2009
• Charming Wine Villages Italy
•Travel Sicily
•The producers behind the labels – Italy
•Angelo Gaja celebrates “150 years of Gaja” – 1859 – 2009
• From Shoes to Wine and from Wine and to Shoes
• Italian women winemakers
• Cooking Schools and Wineries in Italy
• Wine and Fashion in Italy
• Tuscan Tasting report on Brunello, Nobile and Chianti Classico
• Vinitaly 2007 review of the trade exhibition
• Amarone -a feature on Veneto’s most intriguing wine
• Wine in India and Indian wine – a feature on wines produced in india and the import of global wines to india
• Bordeaux and its market – a look at the wines of Bordeaux the en primeur tastings of vintage 2004
• A profile of the wines of Tuscany with focus on Brunello di Montalcino, Nobile di Montepulciano and Chianti Classico
• New Zealand Tour 2009/2010
• Trentino/Alto Adige 2010
  • Prosecco & Franciacorta 2011
  • MW (Master of Wine)  Wine trip to Sicily 2012
  • Italy’s wine villages 2012
  • Hotel Danieli 2013
  • Pantelleria 2014


  • 2005- 2006 # Oberoi Group Magazine – Asia

Features for Asias’s leading luxury hotel group:

– City Guide to Madrid
– Altabadia – Rosa Alpina Spa

  • 2004- 2007 # Le Conoisseur – La Revista de los amantes del vino – Puerto Rico
• Friuli profile – August 2007
• Bordeaux en primeur – a look at the wine trade in Bordeaux with particular focus on vintage 2004
• Profile on the wines of Tuscany, Brunello di Montalcino, Nobile di Montepulciano and Chianti Classico – plus travvel info 2004
  • 2001- 2007 # Civiltà del Bere
• Vince – Decanter’s first Hungarian Event – overall reportage
• Sulle tracce dello Scoth – Whisky Survey
• SudAfrica – a profile of Southafrican wines 2005
• Bordeaux ‘en primeur’ feature 2001 vintage and report
  • # Decanter – www.decanter.com – ONGOING EXP SiNCE 2002
Freelancing for Decanter Magazine – feature writing and news reporting for Decanter.com website re Italian wine news, wine expos, wineries, harvest reports from Italy.
• Puglia – Nero di Troia – Varietal reportage
• Verona Reportage Where to stay and what to eat 2009 April
• Kings of the Castello – 2008 Italy Supplement
• Volcanic Vineyards – 2008 Italy Supplement
• Harvest 2007
• Arezzo amd the Colli Aretini profile – August 2007
• The Real Italy – Italy Supplement 2007
• Making History – Southern Italy’s whites – Italy Supplement 2007
• Small Wondere – Sagrantino di Monteflaco – Italy Supplement 2006
• The Great Wine Tour – Tuscany – March 2005
• Dessert Islands – Sicily’s Sweet Wines – Italian Supplement Jan 2005
• Marches top 20 Wines – Italian Supplement Jan 2005
• Red Hot – A regional prifile of Sicilan red wines- Italian Supplement Jan 2005
• Producer Profile – Barone Francesco Ricasoli – August 2004
• Umbria: Regional Profile: Umbria – July 2004
• Aglianico: A Coming of Age – Italian Supplement 2003/4
• Tuscany: Off the Beaten Track -Italian Supplement 2003/4
• Going for Gold – Prosecco – Italian Supplement 2003/4
• Interview with Giacomo Tachis ’Founding Father’, 2003
• Bubbling up…a resurge of interest and improvements in quality in Lambrusco, 2003
• Great Wine Route: Piedmont, 2003
• Interview with Ambrogio Folonari, 2002
• Travel article on Verona, 2002
• Regional profile on Valpolicella, 2002
• Prima Donna – Italy’s top women wine producers, 2002
• Features on Parmigiano Reggiano, 2001
  • # Wine & Spirit International 2002 -2005

June 2003 – Italy correspondent to Wine & Spirit International

• India
• Grappa
• Sicily Hepls Build Brand Italia
• Heat Exchange – On trade success is being offset by the challenges of a strong Euro
• One to Watch – A regional profile of Umbria• Heat Exchange: Vino Italiano struggles to keep abreast on UK market, May 2004
•Laying down the law – to DOC or not to DOC, 2003
• Each to their own – Southern Italy, 2003
• Tuscany, Chianti Classico report, 2003
• Vintage 2002 report, 2003
• A profile of Italian Cooperative, 2003
• The Wines of Southern Germany, 2002.
• The Renaissance of Lambrusco, 2002

  • # Wine International – UK 2003-2005
• Sardinian Success – Native Charm- Sardinian wines, 2005
• Mountain High – a regional profile of Alto Adige wines
• Makers & Shakers – exclusive interview with Italian winemaker brothers: Renzo & Riccardo Cotarella
• Chili V Italy – Carmenere, 2003
• Maremma, a regional report, 2003
• Book Review on Italian Wine, Food and Travel, 2003
  • # OLN – The Voice of Drinks Retailing (trade magazine UK)
• News from Italy and features on Italian Wine 2004 – 2005
• Homegrown is Key to Success – pulished 24 June 2005 – feature on Italy’s Indigenous varieties.
  • # Harpers – UK Wine Trade Magazine – UK 2002-2005
News stories and features
• Sardinia Regional Profile 2005
• Arrested Development – a survey of Italian wine exports to UK- 2005
• Vinitaly overview 2005
• Vinitaly overview 2004
• Sparkling Wines 2004
• Italy Harvest Report 2003
• Guiding Lights – Survey of the most influential Italian wine guides – Supplement – Italy 2003
• Vinitaly programme 2003
• Italian Dessert wines – feature in Special Supplement – Italy
  • # San Pellegrino – 2004 -2006
Wite-ups of international restaurants and Italian events posted on the www.sanpellegrino.com website as well as features for the San Pellegrino De magazine
•Gianni Vintage Cellar
• Hotel Trofana
•Le Jardin des Sens
•Tom Aikens
•Park Hayatt Milano
• Felix
• Sartoria
• Pierre Gaignare
• Spago – Beverly Hills
• Blossom Street – London
• Can Fabes de Santi Santamaria
• Atelier de Joël Robuchon
• Sam Leong
• El Cellar – Can Rica – Girona
• Faena Hotel – Buenos Aires
• Al Mahara – United Arab Emirates
• La Tupina – Bordeaux
• Opia – Hong Kong
• River Café – London
• Fidelia – New York
• Carluccio – London
• Zafferano Restaurant – London
• International Wine & Spirit Competition – London
• Belthazar – Cape Town
• Castello di Ama/Anish Kapoor
• Bollicine
• Kapoor- Castello di Ama
• Enrico Bernardo – World Champion Sommelier – DE
• Atlantic Bar & Grill – London
  • # www.winenews.it – The Pocket Wine Web Site in Italy – ongoing
• Ongoing contribution to Italy’s top wine website – monthly newsletter giving wine-news from around the globe as from January 2002
  • # Spirito di Vino – 2005
•Maharaja di Spirito – India il Nuovo Mondo d i Vino – October 2005
  • # Wino Magazyn 2004-2005
Italian correspondent for Poland’s top wine magazine, Wino
• Wine Evolution 2006
• Ribera Del Duero
• Bordeaux En Primeur 2005 – Vintage 2004
• Sicily profile
• Cotarella Brothers
  • # Slowfood/Slowine – 2002 -2004
• Osservatorio – Il Futuro è una svitata? Slowfood No1/2004
• Budapest and Istambul Travel tips – Slowfood web
• Hungary – Budapest’s market Nagj Vasarcsarnok
• Biodynamic wine making in France – Interview with Nicolas Joly
• Sale of Italian wines outside Italy – sales via importers, restaurateurs, auctions and internet.
  • # Bibenda – 2004
Bibenda is the official AIS (Associazione Italiana Sommelier) magazine published by Bibenda Editore, Editor Franco M. Ricci and probably the most prestigious specialized Italian Wine Magazine which comes out every two months.
www.bibenda.it• Ribera del Duero July/September 2004 – A profile of Ribera del Duero’s top producers and wines
• Il vino Italiano sfila a Londra – Feb/March 2004 – A profile of top dining in and out of London where Italian wines promoted by able sommeliers prominently feature on the wine list.
  • # VINI/BARGIORNALE – Italian Trade Magazine 2002-2007
• A profile of the ’World of Conran’ 2006
• India – Interview with Chef Heman Oberoi of Taj Group of Hotels 2005
• The Cinnamon Club Restaurant – Lodnon – Pairing wine to Asian cusine, 2003
• Outlook and report on the UK consumer market and restaurant trade – wine drinking trends in UK, 2003
• Interview with Giacomo Tachis, 2003
• Outlook and report on American consumer market – wine drinking trends in USA, 2002
  • # Cucina & Vini 2003 – 2004

• A regional profile of Austrian white wines with special focus on Gruner Velliner and Riesling

• Responsible for the English version of the book: “Ricette di Talento” profiling over 60 chef profiles and 65 recipes from the Italian association of the Jeunes Restaurateurs d’Europe.

  • # Euposia 2003
• Bordeaux en primeur, vintage 2002 survey, 2003
  • # Der Feinschmecker/Wein Gourmet 2001
• Freelance writing features and harvest reports for the German magazine Der Feinschmecker –
• Travel/Food feature on– Gioachino Palestro artisan goose products, Corte dell’Oca, Mortara;
• Harvest 2001 wine report; Travel feature ‘fax from Beijing’
• Travel research on Sicily
  • # La Cucina Italiana 2001
• Travel/Food Feature on Italy’s top craft chocolate producer – Amedei srl. from Tuscany
  • # Wine Spectator www.winespectator.com 1999-2001

• Freelance journalist based in Tuscany. Author of over 50 news stories on all aspects of the wine industry published on the website and in the magazine

• Italy, wine growing areas ranging from north to south.

• France, wine news coverage, restaurant & hotel write-ups on Bordeaux.

• Portugal Port industry in the Douro valley.

• Global Travel reports – hotels/restaurants/shopping/culture

• News articles include: purchase and sale of wineries; planting of international grape varieties and indigenous varieties; release of new wines; reviews of wineries and winery lodgings; winemaker profiles; new-emerging appellation areas, appellation regulations; reports on wine auctions, wine conventions; harvest reports; wine in ancient history.

• News coverage on olive oil production and its producing areas in Tuscany.

• Travel features for the Wine Spectator: Tuscany (issue 15 May 2000), The Cinque Terre (issue 31 October 2000) in collaboration with James Suckling, senior editor of Wine Spectator and director of the European Bureau. Feature article on Verona (issue 30 April 2001). Features include general introduction and lead story, as well as detailed restaurant, wine bar, hotel, winery and lodging reviews. Bordeaux (issue 30 June 2001) 3 profiles of top Chateaux vintners. Interview with Relais&Chateaux, chef/owner, Michelin starred, Jean-Marie Amat – Hotel Saint James, Bordeaux

  • 2010 # Premio Giornalistico del Roero
Selezione Testi ed Elaborazioni sul Web – “Roero Terra di Dovizia” – Ventiduesima Edizione
  • 2009 # New Zeland wine Tasting- Milan May 2010
Conducterd a wine tasting for the Goverment of New Zealand in Milan together with winemaker Jeff Chilcott, presenting twelve wine estates and their wines from New Zealand’s wine producing areas.
  • 2009 # Meininger’s Mundus Vini International wine Competition 2009 – September 2009
Judge for Italy during the September session of Meininger’s Mundus Vini International wine Competition.
  • 2008 # Vinitaly India – Wine tasting seminars
January 2008 – Mumbai and New Delhi – Carried out guided wine tasting and Seminar on Brunello di Montalcino for India’s trade and press. In delhi held a masterclass on ’Wine Tasting’ for the IFOWS show.
  • 2007 # Winemaker of the Year 2007 Competition – Czech Republic

Internatinal Judge to “Winemaker of the Year 2007 Czech Republic ” (in Czech language “Vina? Roku 2007”)

Number of wines entered:
Totally 242 wines, each participants entered a minimum of 5 wines. The finals were chose between 8 top winemakers and a total of 40 wines which made it to the final tasting panel judged by international jury.

Objective of the competition:
To select the winery and winemaker with the best portfolio. A range of wines from each winery were evaluated to select and reflect a well-balanced portfolio and not just a single top wine.
Winemaker of the Year 2007: ?EBAV – 32 hectars winery in Tvrdonice in south Moravia, production 150 000 litres/year.

  • 2007 -2014 # Member of FIJEV (ongoing)
FIJEV is an international association created to promote contacts between wine journalists and writers all over the world and to defend the profession.Our aim is to develop the cultural aspects of wine.
We seek to undertake a limited number of projects (with a focus on quality rather than quantity), in an atmosphere of conviviality and mutual support.
Many famous wine writers are members of FIJEV, but we welcome new members. Notoriety is not a selection criterium – competence is.
  • 2006- 2007 # LIWSF – IWSC Mastercalsses

Led an Italian wine tasting at the London International Wine Fair highlighting some of the 2005 International Wine & Spirit Competition winning award medal wines.

Led an International wine tasting at Vinitlay Wine Fair (Tasting Express) highlighting some of the 2006 International Wine & Spirit Competition winning award medal wines.

  • 2006 # Talk Show Rassegna Internazionale del Müller Thurgau
7th July 2006 Round table discussion on wine communication for Promozione del Progetto Valle di Cembra
  • 2006- 2007 # Vinitaly – Tasting Express – Vinitaly 2006/2007/2008 – Decanter Masterclass

2009 Led a masterclass and guided wine tasting on Italy’s small Island Wines

2008 Led a masterclass and guided wine tasting on Hungary’s Tokaj wines.

2007 Led a mastercalss at Vinitaly Tasting Express, featuring some of the Italian Trophy and medal winners of the 2006 Decanter Wine Awards.

2006 ‘Extreme’, ‘heroic’ viticulture, conjures up spectacular images of dramatic vineyard exposures, producing some of Italy’s most exciting ‘borderline wines’. Tradition and culture have been fundamental in safeguarding the integrity and authenticity of these unique wines. Guided tasting of 15 wines from north to south Italy showing how this ’extreme’ viticulture can produce wines of exceptional character.

  • 2006 # Judge on the panel of the Italian national Pinot Noir Competition – Egna, Bolzano
  • 2005 # Judge on the panel of the iItalian National Riesling Competition – Merano
  • # Member of the Circle of Wine Writers 2003 – 2014 (ongoing)

The Circle of Wine Writers is an association of authors, broadcasters, journalists, photographers and lecturers who are professionally engaged in communicating about wines and spirits. It was founded in 1960 by the late Cyril Ray and now has more than 200 members and, although most of the membership is based in England, the Circle has members in Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Hong Kong and the USA.

The objects of the Circle of Wine Writers are: to improve the standard of communication about wines, spirits and beers; to contribute to the growing knowledge and interest in wine; to promote wines and spirits of quality and to comment adversely on faulty products and dubious practices; to establish and maintain good relations with the news media and the wine trade; to provide members with a strong voice with which to express their views; to provide a forum for the exchange of information; and to provide a programme of workshops, meetings, talks and tastings.

  • # Associazione le Donne del Vino 2002-2014 (ongoing)
Elected an honorary member – journalist – of Italy’s Associazione Donne del Vino.
  • # Judge for Italian wine panel at Decanter World Wide Awards Competition 2004 –2010
London April 2004 – April 2005 April 2006 – April 2007 – April 2008 – April 2009
Judge for Italian Wine Panel at the Decanter Wrold Wide Awards Competition.
  • # International Wine & Spirit Competition 2003 ongoing
Official italian representative of the International Wine & Spirit Competition.
The International Wine and Spirit Competition was founded in 1969 and is the premier competition of its kind in the world. Its aim is to promote the quality and excellence of the world’s best wines, spirits and liqueurs.
The Competition is backed by a group of vice presidents made up of the most influential men and women in the trade, including Baroness Philippine de Rothschild, Miguel Torres, Marchese Piero Antinori, Robert Drouhin, Robert Mondavi, May de Lencquesaing, Kenneth Graham and Sir Anthony Greener.
The Competition has the support of many of the world’s top wine and spirits producers, setting the international benchmark for quality. The unique combination of detailed technical analysis, specialist judging panels, and using the Olympic principle when awarding medals means that gaining any Competition award is an outstanding achievement.
  • # Judge on the panel of the Tappo D’oro Wine Competition 2004
Judge to the regional Marche wine competition held in April 2004, in Offida – Ascoli Piceno. Assessing the quality of the wines and awarding prizes to top wines.
  • # Speaker in AIS Seminar on Alto Adige wines 2004
Invited to speak to AIS (Associazione Italiana Sommelier) at a seminar held in Rome on May 3 2004 regarding the potential of Alto Adige wines and their impact in international markets.
  • # First class honours degree in Humanities with Art History 2004
After seven years of dedicated studies in December 2003 Michèle Shah was awarded a first class degree in Humanities with Art History from The Open University in UK
  • # La Renaissance du AOC (Appellation d’Origine Controlée) 2003

Participated in a workshop held by Nicolas Joly, owner of Clos De La Coulée De Serrant organized by Porthos in Rome.

Nicolas Joly – one of the greatest authorities on the philosophy and implementation of biodynamic wine production.

  • # Prosecco: roundtable on wine tourism 2003

24 may 2003 Conegliano, Vladobbiadine, Prosecco DOC

Chaired roundtable on wine tourism organized for the Vino in Villa annual event held at Castello di San Slavatore in the Prosecco DOC area. The event was organized by the Prosecco Consorzio of Conegliano and Valdobbiadine. The talk included a general global outlook on wine tourism.

  • # International Wine Challenge 2002
Member of jury for the International Wine Challenge – London
  • # Butterfield & Robinson 2002
Consultant for Wine Talks and Wine Tastings for small groups
  • # Regione Piemonte, Torino – 2002
’Il Piemonte dei Sapori’ – roundtable – speaker in a discussion regarding the international success of Piedmont’s traditional foods/wines

2002 Member of jury – 500 Lambrusco wines tasted

Won join-first prize for the best article on Lambrusco wines published in Decanter magazine (awarded in March 2003)

  • # China WinItaly 2001
organized by Veronafiere (Vinitaly) to promote Italian wines in conjunction with China’s International Agricultural Expo, 2001, held in Beijing from 7-10 November 2001
  • # Rome Agrisystems (Overseas) Ltd. – Representative for Italy

1985 -1996 Agrisytems is a group of international consultancy companies in the field of agriculture and rural development.

• Responsible for the running of the Rome office.
• Responsible for all external relations with FAO (Food & Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations) WFP (World Food Programme) & IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development)
• Researched and obtained consultancy contracts worth several thousand US$ per year
• Supervision of consultants
• Financial and administration of the company’s operations in Italy.
• Proof reading and editing of consultants’ reports

  • # Cape Town Republican Press 1977 – 1978

Republican Press is one of South Africa’s largest press agencies in the publication of daily newspapers and weekly magazines.

• Responsible for liaising with Italian press organizations.
• Responsible for translating Italian texts to English.

Travel Experience
• Africa: South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Mauritius.
• Asia: India, (5 trips covering North and South), Ladakh, Zanskar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Hong Kong, Australia, Japan, China
• Central & North America: Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, New York and the northern states of US, Canada
• Europe & Near East: England, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Greece, ex Yugoslavia, Cyprus and Turkey.


• Fluent English and Italian, good spoken French, some German & Spanish